Concrete Ballast Issues

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Capt Dan

Senior Member
Jun 27, 2009
Vessel Name
Willie Dawes
Vessel Make
Newburyport 37
I'm trying to get a handle on how many Willards have had problems with their ballast,* and how many have attempted removal.*** I have started a list on the Yahoo WBO site.** To date is is as follows:

1974, W-30* Vega Horizon, Hull # 68,** "Audition", Owner: Dan Pease

197? **** W-30 Vega Horizon II,** "El Cavale"Owner:* Ted G.

1974 ***** W-30 Vega* Nomad ** Owner,* Eric Henning

1961 * W-36 Vega,* Hull #2 ** Owner ET

1961 W-36 Vega, Hull #1, M/V Rattler,

If you have one or know of one,* let me know,* Thanks

Dan Pease
Dan,Only my own.
How are you coming w your boat Dan? I've been bad forgetting about taking those pics of the engine compartment. I thought you pulled your boat out on the hard a coupla months ago. I've been shopping for another boat but it's hard to replace a Willard. I've zeroed in on the Nordic 32 but it's hard to find one I can afford to buy. Got to talk some people WAY down or the new boat thing just won't work. Old fuel tanks, bad decks, blisters, old engines and gears and other grief mountians ahead. The Nordic could be good but I'm not going to get one cheap. Merry Christmas Dan.


Oh yes,* Audition is on the hard,* looking good,* engine out, bilge under engine is free of concrete,* (it was a mess top to bottom,** but came out well and cleaned up nicely.** I also removed the foamed in stuff forward of the engine area,* will leave that void for storage,* spare engine fluids,* 45 pound SS plow anchor, etc.*** I made a 14 by 12 hatch in the vee-berth sole.

New Yanmar 3 cyl is at the dealership waiting for me,* but I am busy tugboating* at work and away a lot of the time.

Also just picked up free hobie cat with plan to cut down hulls as basis for roll-chocks.

I am having fun tweeking the boat.

Look at it this way,*** You are looking forward to two more great days in your life...

The day you sell your Nomad,* and the day you buy your new boat!

Of course the "new" boat will have its own issues,* they all do,* but that's part of the challenge,* isn't it.

Have a good holiday.* Dan Pease
I am new to this forum and I am looking at a Willard 30 Vega.* The surveyor pointed out the ballast which looked like slag (almost fluffy) aft of the engine.* Forward of the engine, it was solid.* I can't imagine it is supposed to be like this.* I looked for your list of people with ballast issues on the Yahoo WBO Group but could not find it. Where can I get more information?*

On WBO site enter the proper words in a search. When you're looking at boats keep in mind that ballast expands when it ingests water and the steel punchings rust and corrode causing expansion. It can crack or bend bulkheads, hulls and stern tubes.
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