Clear Lake Christmas Boat Parade

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Oct 5, 2007
Vessel Name
Anastasia III
Vessel Make
Krogen 42
Coming up Saturday, December 8th. Starts at 1800 from South Shore Harbor Marina and Nassau Bay. If anyone wants an entry form, I can send you one. It's a lot of fun. Best place to watch is from anywhere along the Kemah waterfront, or of course from a boat on the parade! Here are a couple of pix of my boat from the last couple of years.


  • holiday roads {national lampoon's vacation} theme
    70.8 KB · Views: 109
Definitely one of my favorite nights on the Lake.....always a great time.
Oh, I should mention that I'm throwing my annual pre-Christmas parade party at the marina on Friday night, December 7th., starting at 1900. We'll have live music by Jerry Diaz and probably others from Hannah's Reef (lots of Buffett and parrothead music). The Galveston Bay Parrothead club always shows up as well as lots of marina people and friends. BYOB, snacks and lawn chairs. It's a fun night to come out and preview mine as well as other boats that are decorated and will be in the parade.

South Shore Harbour marina, 2551 South Shore Blvd., League City, TX 77573. Pier 15, slip 39. Of course if you get that close, you'll know where the party is. We'll see how many times the cops come out this year! Hahahahaha!
Oh yea, I guess I should include a near future headline....

TMCA is one of our chief competitors.


  • tmca warning sign
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What is everyone planning on doing for the parade?
I should be easy to find, I put up very distinctive xmas lights, all red on the port side, green on the stbd and white on the back. Not even an idiot can miss my new running lights!
On or about the year 1982 the Clear Lake Christmas Boat Parade participants mustered about dark in South Shore Harbour over on the north side where the older town homes are. The only thing in SSH at the time were these docks. None of the rest of the docks or buildings were there yet. Also at this time everyone was still rich. Unlimited hydroplane races were held on the lake and if you didn't own a helicopter you were no one.

That year someone dreamed up the idea to put an engineless, but real non-the-less, unlimited hydroplane on top of a house boat with Santa sitting in the pilot seat and enter the rig in the Christmas Boat Parade.

That afternoon the mother of all northers blew in. You know what happens...the wind blows the water out of the lake.

When the parade started the houseboat complete with Santa sitting in his unlimited hydroplane got in line and followed the lead boats out of the channel towards Bal Harbor. Going north was fine but when the houseboat turned east and got broadside to the strong north winds it listed over and the hydroplane and Santa came off and went into the water. All hell broke loose with Santa screaming that he could not swim. Finally someone yelled: Stand up you fool!" and Santa was saved by the norther.

True story STG...I was in the parade.
That's hilarious! Yea, we have lots of skinny water during the parades, but this year it looks to be nice and warm, with lots of water for a change.

I started decorating yesterday. Got a good head start, smoking cigars, listening to Christmas music and just having a good time. As far as how I'm decorating, well, if I told you I'd have to kill you.
*But come on down Friday night if you're in the area and see for yourself.
We should be anchored on Clear Lake by 17:30 or so.* Our Christmas lights were made by Aqua Signal.

We'll be headed to the Turtle Club for a drink or two afterwards.
Remember that they will only allow you to anchor on the north side of the channel. This is because usually the wind is out of the north, and this keeps the anchor rodes out of the boat parade's way.

That being said, the forecast is for SOUTH wind... Oh well. Try to keep those rodes out of the parade (or anybody's!) props! Looks like great weather!!!

I sprained my ankle last night, so had to skip decorating today, but still have plenty of time. Will finish up tomorrow and be ready for the party!
Keith, your pre-party-party sounds like fun.* The wife and I will try to make it.

Is your boat entered in the parade?
Doug, I was thinking of goin over there tonight as well. And, yes, his boat is in the parade!!!

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