Phil Fill wrote:
Keys?* What Keys?* Who needs a key?*
I figure if they know*how to open the through hulls, and*turn the*battery switch to on, they know how the start the dank engines.* Shoot I can with a screw driver.*I usually start the engine in the engine room which does not require a key.
We seldom lock the boat*becasue they will do more damage breaking in than the stuff they might take.* Actaully*I would not mind if*someone CARRY OFF some of our old TV, stereos, computers than I don't have to carry them off the boat and dispose of them.**
*Besides, why would they break in to an ugly old trawler when there a fancy, newer boats in the marina?* The #1 item stolen in a Marina are OB motors and they can have my 1980 something motor I bought used for 200 bucks.
In the 14+ years we have been a live a board we have not had anything stolen.* however we have*had and found strangers in our boat as they thought it was for sale?**When moored on Lake Union we were moored on*the Ocean Alex dock so*75% of the boats where for sale, so it was not big deal.* We don't lock the vehilce either, again*because they do more damage breaking in than what they might take?*
I keep the boat locked when we're not on it.* My wife makes sure it's locked when we are sleeping on it.* That's probably a good idea.
I wouldn't want to wake up and find strangers on my boat in any event.
There's a saying "Lock it or lose it."* Pretty much applies to boats, cars, homes, etc.* It's sad, but there is an element in our society that thinks it's OK to take fom others, rather than to earn it themselves.