Cable in Line Cutter and issues

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Nov 6, 2016
United States
Vessel Name
Black Eyed Susan
Vessel Make
Grand Banks 42' Classic
Divers cleaned the bottom of my boat and gave me these notes, below, on the invoice. Can someone help me decipher? New to me boat only a few months. Will search paperwork for make/model of line cutters as not sure. "Wear bearings"? Don't know what that is? Not cutlass bearing but part of the line cutter? As it is described, now that the cable is cleared out, is it ok to use the boat until fixed? I am pulling for a bottom job in the next month or so. Any comments really appreciated.

"Diver had to cut out 100'+ of metal wire/cable out of starboard line cutter, and prop.
Starboard side is missing the cutting blade on the spur. Port side was broken. Diver removed it and replaced the zinc, and the wear bearing
Your starboard side you will need to get a new cutting blade for it, and we can install it. You will also need new wear bearings on this side also."
Thanks Bruce. After reading this again it seems they replaced one wear bearing. If they did that then they must know exactly what make/model they are dealing with. Probably should call them and discuss. There's a concept huh? In between prepping boat and house for hurricane, living through it and now starting to put it all back together I am exhausted. Been working 24/7 as well. In the security business and to say we are busy is an understatement. My wife tells me I am retiring on Monday and leaving on the boat ASAP. She says that a lot but this is the first time I am listening.
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