Cabin door lock

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Veteran Member
Apr 24, 2024
Bellingham, WA
Vessel Make
1970 Grand Banks 32
I have a 1970 GB32 with the pictured door lock. What have people done to upgrade their locks? I am not a fan of sticking my finger in the opening to press the cam to open the door. It looks like it's original though. It didn't come with the trim piece for the lock.

I would find an old school locksmith and take the lock to him/her and ask them to recommend a replacement lock.
That is a barrel lock. You can find them on line or at Sam's Marine. You can buy door hardware (handles, cover plates, strike, etc.) from either vendor.
PO of my 32 GB stuck a rubber stopper in the hole that would hold the cam back then added a small bronze cleat to use as a handle. The type of stopper you would use for lab glassware is what it looks like. Did you buy the Nootka Rose recently?
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