Not the island- but my bimini up on the bridge!!! Major storms are tearing through Chattanooga today/tonight. *A dock neighbor called me this morning to let me know that my bimini had met it's demise. *It seems the winds were so high it tore the bimini loose and bent the stainless steel frame all up! *Replacing the bimini top was on my "to do" list but not at the top- it has suddenly thrust itself to the top of the list now! *
To make matters more fun, a huge oak tree fell across the gangway to the dock and crushed all the power meters for the dock so the dock has no power today. *I'll have to get my neighbors to crank my generator for me for a while tomorrow to charge everything up since I don't have a remote switch here in the office. *
To make matters more fun, a huge oak tree fell across the gangway to the dock and crushed all the power meters for the dock so the dock has no power today. *I'll have to get my neighbors to crank my generator for me for a while tomorrow to charge everything up since I don't have a remote switch here in the office. *