Building Rainha Jannota in Brazil

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Jun 10, 2011
Vessel Name
Rainha Jannota
Vessel Make
Curruira 46
Hi Folks:
Rainha Jannota is a wood/epoxy Trawler designed originally by These guys are genuine sail boat designers but, with a long mileage under their own hulls around the world. The hull # 1 is already cruising and it is 42 long. I ordered my hull 10% longer as the boat has a wide beam.* Building a boat in Brazil, on your own, is not the same as doing it in USA. Here, everything is expensive if we have to import qualified and certified already proven systems. So, if we want to do things within tight budgets, we need to come out of the box and be creative by adapting here and there.
See pictures and videos on hull # 1 )
As we go progressing with the construction, I will be posting pictures of Rainha Jannota which is different from hull #1. Here is a Rainha Jannota render image.


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Fernando, qdo estiver navegando, vamos aos EUA equipar esse barcão.
Como voce colocou, tudo no Brasil É caro e dificil. Parabéns

Sergio "Alemao" Sztancsa, Sent from my iPhone using Trawler
Hi Fernando, when will you intend to finish your boat?

Sergio "Alemao" Sztancsa, Sent from my iPhone using Trawler
Hi Fernando, when will you intend to finish your boat?

Sergio "Alemao" Sztancsa, Sent from my iPhone using Trawler

There's a loaded question!! :popcorn:

Mine was built in 1977 and I'm still not finished with it!
Very, very, very simple... BRAZIL is not the place to build ANYTHING and for a boat, I wish you a lot of luck.

I am busy for over 3 years with investors to start a yacht yard 36' - 56' in the North East of Brazil, seams to be impossible.

But I am always in for a talk or a cervejâo, 00 55 9 eight 8 eight seven seven 4670

or sent me an email: cees heim (one word) (at) hotmail (dot) com

My 2 Centavos
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Hi Cees,

You'll enjoy us in our second leg? From Luperon to Trinidad?

Sergio "Alemao" Sztancsa, Sent from my iPhone using Trawler
My boat will go to the water in August - October 2013. As we speak the electrical installation such as Inverters, cabling, AC/DC peripherals, all that is ongoing with pluming. The engine room is complete and it is being painted now. Engine, transmission, genset, all hydraulic systems, steering, and all mechanics are done.

What is your problem to build your boat? Is it finances or location? From the top of my mind I can name at least 5 small companies building boats from Maranhao to Bahia, including 80’ Catamarans that are on service in the Caribbean area. The Dolphin line of cats is from Aracaju. I am not referring here to the big shipyards in Manaus.

Perhaps you’re not talking to the right people
My boat will go to the water in August - October 2013. As we speak the electrical installation such as Inverters, cabling, AC/DC peripherals, all that is ongoing with pluming. The engine room is complete and it is being painted now. Engine, transmission, genset, all hydraulic systems, steering, and all mechanics are done.

What is your problem to build your boat? Is it finances or location? From the top of my mind I can name at least 5 small companies building boats from Maranhao to Bahia, including 80’ Catamarans that are on service in the Caribbean area. The Dolphin line of cats is from Aracaju. I am not referring here to the big shipyards in Manaus.

Perhaps you’re not talking to the right people

Hi Portuguese,

First of all, we don't want to start a small family business. We want to establish a high quality yard that produce's series of yachts, fish cutters etc. build in steel using high-end CNC technology.

The main problem in Brazil is the "protectionism" of the economy of Brazil. Import taxes are extreme. When possible, harbor and transport costs are extremely high. Labor force seems to be cheap but in fact are expensive, quality is low.

Criteria for investors are not met in Brazil, Dutch "steel" ship building is famous around the world and in Brazil "at the moment" not possible.

Investors lost trust in this "BIC" country. (I left out Corrupt Russia )

Perhaps you’re not talking to the right people :):) oh, oh terrible Brazil.......... ( you meant corruption????????)
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I agree.....

Sergio "Alemao" Sztancsa, Sent from my iPhone using Trawler
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