Bow thruster prop removal

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Veteran Member
Aug 14, 2024
Stuart, FL
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Camano 31 Troll
Boat is hauled out currently and I’m trying to remove my bow thruster’s prop for cleaning and painting.

I’ve removed the 1 1/2” bronze prop nut and tried pulling and beating the prop off from the back side using a block of wood and a hammer, but no joy. I can’t see any other means of the prop being fastened to the shaft but the amount of force I was using and not seeing any movement at all has me questioning.

Here is the thruster (prop nut is back on in the pics):

I tried looking for a manufacturer name/model so I could look up any technical info but I can’t find any markings inside or out. This is a 2003 Camano troll if it helps. Besides the cleaning/painting, im also unable to find a zinc on it so im thinking there might be a collar zinc on the shaft behind the prop, and I’ll need to be able to get at that for replacement also.
Interesting prop on that one, tough to get a puller on it for sure.
There aren’t any internal threads on the prop to receive a special tool are there?
Side note, it may be my color rendering on my screen, but the prop looks a little pink. Loss of zinc? Does it ring nicely when you tap it with a hammer?
There do appear to be internal threads on the prop, tho they look pretty torn up by the prop nut. As for the color, it looks normal to me in person, same bronze color as my main prop. There is some red primer or bottom paint that may be influencing the pictures
It is likely a key power thruster. Is so, there is a 1/8" allen set screw that you need to loosen and or remove the prop nut. Then you insert a bolt that matches the internal threads on the prop. As you tighten that bolt, it loosens the prop on the taper. I don't recall thread and am away from my boat. 1" coarse maybe. Or 1 1/4"
It is likely a key power thruster. Is so, there is a 1/8" allen set screw that you need to loosen and or remove the prop nut. Then you insert a bolt that matches the internal threads on the prop. As you tighten that bolt, it loosens the prop on the taper. I don't recall thread and am away from my boat. 1" coarse maybe. Or 1 1/4"
Thank you! The push bolt worked perfectly; turns out there was one aboard from the previous owner.
You were wondering why someone was saving that apparently useless bolt. Been there!
You were wondering why someone was saving that apparently useless bolt. Been there!
It was even worse than that; the previous owner was pretty well organized and in one of the plastic totes in the engine room there was a plastic bag labeled “bow thruster tools” :LOL:

I really need to inventory all those bits and spares he kept so I stop buying stuff I already had!
For others future reference, attached is the likely owner's manual for your thruster as well as a document on the zinc anodes.


  • MNL-KP08X-H-TH_revA.pdf
    2.2 MB · Views: 14
  • zincid.pdf
    367.3 KB · Views: 10
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