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Nov 27, 2008
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Sabre 42 Hardtop Express
This will be boring to many of you.* There are alot of things we can't do in the islands.* We have to make believe that the white sand is snow.* We can't wear all of our clothes when going outside.* Our boats have to work hard all year.* It is just plain boring.* To demonstrate some of this is some photography of Glenn Patch.* The shots of the patio are from his home at Hope Town.* The beautiful 42' Sabre flybridge is his boat sitting under a boring sky.* It is just one beautiful seascape after another.* It is enough to drive a man to drink------thus all the bar shots.* Rum helps us to forget where we are.

Enjoy it if you can.

-- Edited by Moonstruck on Saturday 12th of February 2011 04:10:20 PM
Well that's sure eye candy for 2 old folks in Alaska in the winter. In one pic some guys are painting the roof of a house w something white. Looks like asphalt shingles and I've never seen anyone paint asphalt shingles. I can imagine why someone would want a roof white in the tropics though. Is this where you're spending the winter? By the way if you stay in the house it's more boring here and we stay in the house much of the time in the winter.
Looks like a bunch of half dressed old retired people and some bar tenders live there. Is there lots of land there or is it just a small island? Sure wish I had a transporter.
ERic, it is common to put a white coating on the roofs to reflect the horrible sun.* That house is the one Glenn remodeled to live in at Hope Town.* He has a view of the Atlantic beach and reef along with a harbor view out of his bedroom.* The patio overlooking the harbor is his.* These shots were from Elbow and Great Gauna Cays.

They are pretty small islands.* Not much buildable land.* Everyone goes around half dressed.* Imagine that.* We will be cruising SW Florida this winter.* Then it is on to the Chesapeake in spring.* We won't get back to the islands until nest winter and spring.

It is really not as hard to stay there as it looks.* We even sometimes don't want to leave.

Here is a link to a chart of the area.* The Abacos are to the for right.

This is outrageous. I had next to no idea about all those islands just offshore from Florida. I just can't believe there's so much there and I hardly had a clue. I guess I've just never seen a good chart/map of the area before. I would think overacted be out there cruis'in around. Those islands must be mostly crawl'in w people. You've just added a whole new dimension to my geographical self. Thank you so very much Don. I'll search around on the Internet and see what more I can learn about my new world.
Moonstruck wrote:
This will be boring to many of you.
The subject matter does nothing for me but the digital photo effects work is really cool.* Very creative and well done.* I work with people who know how to do this sort of thing.* Unfortunately I'm not one of them.* Thanks for posting the link. I'm going to forward it to our CGI graphics guys.* I'd love to see those techniques applied to some really great scenery.* Like up where Eric lives*


-- Edited by Marin on Sunday 13th of February 2011 01:16:27 AM
SeaHorse II wrote:

Moonstruck wrote:

They are pretty small islands.*
Don:* It may be prudent to point out just how far it is to the nearest island as we
don't want Eric trucking "Willy" to the east coast and lauching for an hour's run to
the closest island.
It is about 60 miles to West End on Grand Bahama Island and 55 to Bimini.* On a good day Willy could do it.* If* Eric will get that boat over here, I'll tow him over.

We like to anchor, swim, and grill at Great Sale Cay.* It's usually our first stop at about 90 miles.* Just an anchorage at an uninhabited island.* We can make Green Turtle Cay by about 4:00pm on a good day.* that is about 165 miles.

There are trawler charters available in the Sea of Abaco.* This saves the trip over and back along with the weather issues.* It can ve very windy.* Spring to early summer is best if you have a short time.* We like May.

Nice you guys are think'in of me. I'd leave at o-dark thirty and run in the dark at slow bell. Would take me about 10 to 14 hrs and a little over $40 in fuel. But it would take more than that to truck Willy out there. I would just fly and rent stuff over there but I;m too poor for that too so I'll need to be content to look at Don's pictures. I already have a high from the pics and there there whenever I'm in the mood. I was looking at my route for my first cruise next spring and see many many anchorages and a lot of good ones too. Wer'e doing Baranof Island via Rocky Pass first. Then later this summer we'll do Chichagof* via Juneau. After that*** ....winter. Maybe Baja. You been down there Walt?
nomadwilly wrote:"We're doing Baranof Island via Rocky Pass first. Then later this summer we'll do Chichagof via Juneau. After that*** ....winter. Maybe Baja. You been down there Walt?
Admiralty, Baranoff & Chichagof, known as the ABC islands, are my favorite places on the planet. I've been all through SE Alaska 5 or 6 times (by float plane & boat) but my favorite area is around Sitka, Angoon and Juneau. The ABCs form a rain shadow and the rainfall is no where near as heavy as other parts of SE Alaska. If you get anywhere near Angoon, pull in to the cove but don't bother with Angoon. Rather, anchor your boat and take the dinghy to Whalers Cove Lodge. (If they have room, you can tie Willy up at their docks.) Tell Dick and Sharon Powers I sent you and "beg"
to be included in their evening meal.* ( I've seen other cruisers pull in and eat with us on several occasions.) There are no better people in this world than Dick & Sharon and their fish camp is the best. (IMHO) Whalers Cove is roughly 100 miles from just about everything, Juneau, Sitka and Petersburg. That's why the fishing is so good. Boats from those three towns can't make it there and back in
a day.***** Whalers Cove

My brother and I have cruised the length of the Sea of Cortez 3 times and I have flown in to Cabo San Lucas and fished the* East Cape several times for Marlin. Twice in my company's Citation. Although the fishing is excellent and the water temp is perfect for diving over the side when at anchor, the scenery doesn't hold a candle to SE Alaska.
I know your dad used to teach school in Angoon and possibly you lived there at one time
but it's not high on my "things to see" list. (Angoon, that is.)

-- Edited by SeaHorse II on Sunday 13th of February 2011 02:16:35 PM


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Dick Powers was trying to buy my dad's property and house in Angoon for a long time.
But Dick and Dad didn't get along so dad refused to sell to Powers. We sold dad's house in an estate sale (I couldn't afford it) and those people divorced and sold it finally to Powers. If you go to Angoon beware of the bears**** ...they actually wander around town at times. In 03 we tied up at the town harbor and started to walk to dad's house ...thought better of it and took the dinghy instead. Angoon and Kake have half as much rain as the rest of SE as you say Walt. About 60in.) I've been looking at the cruising guide and studying it for anchorages. (Hemingway) There seems to be plenty on Baranof outside and inside. Many are small and some are deep and small too. I'll have stories to tell. Plan on leaving in late April.

Does this look familiar?


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Moonstruck wrote:

This will be boring to many of you.* There are alot of things we can't do in the islands.* We have to make believe that the white sand is snow.* We can't wear all of our clothes when going outside.* Our boats have to work hard all year.* It is just plain boring.* To demonstrate some of this is some photography of Glenn Patch.* The shots of the patio are from his home at Hope Town.* The beautiful 42' Sabre flybridge is his boat sitting under a boring sky.* It is just one beautiful seascape after another.* It is enough to drive a man to drink------thus all the bar shots.* Rum helps us to forget where we are.

Enjoy it if you can.
Love it!* thanks for sharing!

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