The ones above water do not have to be bonded, but a lot also depends on your bonding method system.* If the ones above the water are already bonded, then the new ones might have to be if the wire is daisy chained from one to the next as you will break the chain.* So look at your bonding system first. *
Also you might want to re due the bonding system as it might not be working/conducting as it does not take much to stop the tiny flow.* So at least check and clean the bonding system as it is one of the most largest, important system on the boat and the least understood.
While our are on the hard, you may want to eliminated, take out and fill some of the through hulls, especially below the water line.* I took out all the though hulls below the water line except the two for the engines.* All the water is pump up and over above the water line, the toilet is fresh water.* If when I need a below the water through hull for something it will be ONE and with a manifold for multi needs.* When at the dock all the through hulls below the water are CLOSED, and I sleep better at night.