boat surveyor sydney wanted

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Jul 10, 2015
Hi Australian TF members the surveyor I have known for many years and trust is sadly unable to survey a boat I have a deposit on in Pittwater .I'm looking for a surveyor that can report on the engine as well as every thing else .

Thanks in advance
I don't think a surveyor is qualified to do a full mechanical report, you usually need a separate report.

The surveyor I have used in the past is now getting a bit long in the tooth, however if you are looking for a god recommendation in the engineering side I can recommend:

Jason Bott. 0418 427 474 He resides at the Quays Marina in Pittwater

Out of interest what type of boat are you looking at?
I don't think a surveyor is qualified to do a full mechanical report, you usually need a separate report.

The surveyor I have used in the past is now getting a bit long in the tooth, however if you are looking for a god recommendation in the engineering side I can recommend:

Jason Bott. 0418 427 474 He resides at the Quays Marina in Pittwater

Out of interest what type of boat are you looking at?

Thanks for the heads up but
Boat is booked in for survey on Monday Im using Alaine the Frenchman Its the IG32 at Andrew Moores
I think you had the only one who did both parts. I hope Alain is ok. No one at Berowra you can call on? Some thoughts:
Boat Surveyor: Ron Bailey of Northwind Surveys, Surveyor and Shipwright, Balmain Sydney.0421087787, He maintained my boat until moving it north, and did an insurance survey.
Mechanic: Try Dave Williams, Dolphin Marina mechanic 0468769755. Don`t expect a written report, just be there. Say I referred you if you call him.
Alaine can do both the motor and hull and is ok with me been with him for the full survey 6hours and I have been told he talks you through every aspect as he inspects
I`m not clear, is it Alain who is unavailable? I`ve never heard of anyone else who does hull and mechanical.
Whoever does it, any rainwater leaks should be obvious.:)
The IG 32 you are talking about is virtually opposite my pen at the club.It looks to be a very nice unit, I poked my nose in the other day.

Andrew Moore is a good broker, I bought Sarawana through him years ago.
Thanks for the heads up but
Boat is booked in for survey on Monday Im using Alaine the Frenchman Its the IG32 at Andrew Moores

Alaine did our survey when we bought ours and all I'll say is good luck and make sure you have a really really good look yourself at the hull and engines.
The IG 32 you are talking about is virtually opposite my pen at the club.It looks to be a very nice unit, I poked my nose in the other day..
It was on my marina, looked a nice well kept boat. No banjo music audible. Seller just bought a Clipper 40.
Gaston, did you sort out the surveyor problem? All good to go?
It was on my marina, looked a nice well kept boat. No banjo music audible. Seller just bought a Clipper 40.
Gaston, did you sort out the surveyor problem? All good to go?

Will be using Alaine we start at 9am tomorrow I'm fairly confident in my own ability to do the survey but need a registered surveyor report for insurance so we will have 2 heads on the job tomorrow . The engine oil looks near fresh so I doubt a oil analysis is worth wile I like at least 50 hours on the oil before testing as you can get a misleading result without knowing the oils age
Will be using Alaine we start at 9am tomorrow I'm fairly confident in my own ability to do the survey but need a registered surveyor report for insurance so we will have 2 heads on the job tomorrow . The engine oil looks near fresh so I doubt a oil analysis is worth wile I like at least 50 hours on the oil before testing as you can get a misleading result without knowing the oils age

Gaston it sounds like you know what your doing with regards inspecting the boat yourself so you should be fine. We were in the same position and I went over our boat myself during the survey and found most of the bigger problems.

Alaine is a quite pleasant chap but you will know how good he is by the end of the day as he will have told you if you get my drift. His written reports are good for insurance. I won't go into specifics but be aware we found he overlooks what to me were very important items that did not even closely meet specification i.e engines, were broken or in some cases missing.

Wishing you good luck with the boat.
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Gaston,how did it go?
Gaston,how did it go?

Interesting day overall a good boat but lacked maintenance and detail to maintenance. Sea trial was in a Southey blowing at 40 knots with waves hitting the top screen :) The steering was very touchy and needed a hand on the wheel at all times so that's something I will need to think about Main repairs needed engine mount, engine sea water pump water leak ,auto pilot needs repair , rudder gland leak ,stern tube leak ,fridge freezer not working , water and rubbish in fuel air cleaner had 1/2 fallen off and another 40 small annoying items 3/$4000 ? Lets just say the mechanic that looked after the boat/motor needs t#@%*%#@ .I'm very glad I was able to do the inspection along with surveyor as we both picked up on things I think he was glad to see the end of me after 8 hours .
Good test of seaworthiness and handling.
Don`t think the boat was serviced by the resident marina mechanic.
I`ve heard Cummins raw water pumps give issues.
Sounds like a good thorough survey, hope the transaction works out.
I`m not clear, is it Alain who is unavailable? I`ve never heard of anyone else who does hull and mechanical.
Hi John here. I used Alain for a survey on a timber Halvorsen. Worst investment ever. It cost me over $30k to fix the things he missed. Most notable was dry rot in the transom!
Andrew Storey at Cottage pt marine did my last boat, incidently a IG32. He does not do me hanics personally but has a mechanic on call. But if your IG has Ford Lehmans, you can't go past Jason Bott.
Hi John here. I used Alain for a survey on a timber Halvorsen. Worst investment ever. It cost me over $30k to fix the things he missed. Most notable was dry rot in the transom!
Andrew Storey at Cottage pt marine did my last boat, incidently a IG32. He does not do me hanics personally but has a mechanic on call. But if your IG has Ford Lehmans, you can't go past Jason Bott.
Welcome Aboard John. This is an old 2017 thread, lots has changed,not sure Gaston is still with us, fairly sure the IG32 he bought which I knew quite well, a late one with oversized single Cummins, has a new owner. And I believe Alain retired from surveying quite some time ago. The brokers would miss him.
Andrew Storey has done work on my Integrity. He even sold my IG36 for me.
Tell us about your Halvorsen 26.
Bruce, out of interest who did your osmosis repairs on Doriana?
Bruce, out of interest who did your osmosis repairs on Doriana?
Main repair was done by Eddie and friends at the massive old Halvorsen yard at Putney. Some later work by Andrew Storey.
The Halvorsen yard, heavily polluted reputedly, is to be redeveloped as apartments and villas with a marina. Surely the long steep multiple "railway" launch/haulout lines, one per construction line, have heritage value.
If you are considering having work done, I recommend Fenwicks at Brooklyn. The yard do it themselves, they do a lot of them, they have the facilities and a system. But,they are busy, I have paint blisters all over generally not invading the gelcoat, and was recently put on their 2026 list.
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