Boat issues found after the survey and deal closed

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To answer the original question:
- 2 of 3 windshield wipers inoperable
- sea water pump inoperable
- very low water pressure in all faucets (clogged aerators only)
- overboard discharge of holding tank was identified, overboard discharge of both heads was missed, one in plain view, the other hidden behind the generator.
I have given talks at Trawler Fest on proper surveys. Over a long career, I can only think of four instances where as the broker representing the Buyer and in some instances the Seller too where I did not select and make all the arrangements for the survey. Because of my decades of experience repairing and building boats, I have a pretty good idea of the condition of the vessel before even getting her under agreement. I also advise Buyers not to have any expectation of a survey adjustment to the Selling Price unless really big issues are found like the generator needs a rebuild or in the case of a composite boat, the bottom is so badly blistered it needs to be peeled. Even in such cases, we usually can negotiate a fair adjustment to the Selling Price. We typically do not agree to the Seller correcting defects.

Unfortunately, most marine surveyors do not meet our competency standards. We also believe surveyors should not be selected on the basis of cost. Most 50' trawlers require two days for the hull survey and one full day for the engine(s) and genset(s). We like to start with the short haul to check the bottom and running gear before the seatrial as the bottom & prop should be clean to achieve the specified RPM at WOT under load. The engine surveyor will need all the machinery stone cold to do the cold checks before startup. Both surveyors should work together on the seatrial. They should have a rigid protocol …it’s not a joy ride. Ideally, there should be at least 50 hours on the engine & genset lube oil, gearbox oil & hydraulic fluid if applicable. I have seen brokers who think proper oil samples can be taken when the oil is cold. Samples must be taken following the seatrial.

There is a lot to a proper survey…more than I can cover in this format.
On one occasion, while carrying out an inspection concurrently with a surveyor, I was taking apart an electrical panel, the surveyor walked by and said, "What are you doing?", "Getting access behind this panel", I said. His response was telling, "They taught us in surveyor's school to never take anything apart because if we break something we'd be responsible for it". I carry an electric screw driver in my traveling tool bag because I took so many things apart in my inspections that my hands were aching at the end of the day. And on the subject of removing cover plates from outlets, I do that as well, and in too many cases I find, among other defects, that there are no enclosures/junction boxes.

I good surveyor will document what's aboard, and they should test every piece of gear, from microwave and washer to all helm stations and engines. Their primary goal is to satisfy the needs of the bank and the insurer, and if they can, protect the interests of the buyer.

More here

Selecting a surveyor:
Engine survey: The Art of the Engine Survey | Steve D'Antonio Marine Consulting

Fluid analysis: Oil Analysis – Editorial: The Need for Vocational Training | Steve D'Antonio Marine Consulting

Engine Survey Reports:

Sea Trials:
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I once considered becoming a marine surveyor and went to see my lawyer to ask his advice before taking the plunge. “ Don’t touch it with a barge pole” he advised me. “ See that pile of documents on that shelf … they’re all lawsuits directed at surveyors!” Needless to say, I followed his advice. Some time later a good friend, a marine surveyor, lost his home in a lawsuit over a survey he had done, not for the man who sued him but for a previous owner who had passed the old survey on. So yes, surveyors can be sued, despite the disclaimers, but their sins of omission need to be pretty egregious. That said, a trawler I purchased a year ago was surveyed by a pretty competent fellow who, nonetheless, missed several areas of delamination in the foc’sle lining and the house sides (glass over marine ply recently rebuilt). Fortunately I was able to replace all the foregoing myself but shudder at what it would cost if local ‘chippies’ were employed at $90 per hour plus!
Where to begin. First, I learned long ago, if everyone who considered starting a business made decisions based on what their attorney told them, no one would start a business. I have had the same business attorney for 17 years (he was the third one) and I don't know how I would manage without him, however, he's a rare breed (former enlisted Marine embassy guard), he understands the goal if business is to actually do business and be profitable. Most attorneys will give you the worst case scenario, and if you only listen to that, you will be paralyzed with fear and never do anything but work for someone else.

If you are a surveyor and you aren't incorporated, and insured, to protect your assets, you are truly a fool. Most surveyors I know have this coverage and understand its importance, and in most cases the coverage is available through their professional organization, so shame on the surveyor who lost his home, there's no reason for that.

In my nearly forty years in the business I can think of only a few cases where I've heard of surveyors being sued, must are judgement proof, the business has few assets, so those doing the suing move on to more lucrative targets.

Having said all that, I have encountered my share of inept, incompetent and negligent surveyors; and that behavior was what partially inspired me to start my consulting business. I managed a boat yard (after working as a marine mechanic and electrician for 7 years) and saw too may examples of folks buying brokerage vessels without being made aware of the many and often obvious flaws. I would go aboard the vessel to look it over in preparation for the work they wanted to do, fun stuff like water makers, inverters, paint and varnish, only to come away with a 25, 50 or 100k dollar estimate to fix seacocks, raw water plumbing, electrical, exhaust, and running gear issues. That news was difficult to deliver, as it was never in the budget for the new owners. When I delivered the news, the response invariably was, "But we had it surveyed and none of that was noted".

I have my bones to pick with many, but not all, hull and engine surveyors, of that there is no doubt, however, there are exceptions, smart, savvy, competent individuals who often come from the marine trades, as former mechanics, shipwrights, and engineers, who have the necessary first hand experience, and thus confidence, to thoroughly review and critique a vessel in the manner it should be reviewed for a pre-purchase survey, the one opportunity a buyer has to catch faults, flaws and defects and avoid big, expensive post sale surprises. I have nothing against those who retire from other non-marine professions, but the ones that become surveyors because they 'just want to be around boats' usually don't have, in my experience, what it takes to identify shortcomings, many of which are subtle and easily missed. Equally, surveyors, even competent ones, who are not physically fit, those who can't crawl through bilges and behind engines, are not well suited to the task.
Did my purchase through Zimmerman Marine's yacht purchasing service. They provide a warranty on work that is not found through the survey (they have a say in who surveys). My DeFever 44 had some issues that were not found on survey but were present at purchase. Zimmerman covered those repairs (there is a limit). Issues were wet deck around dinghy crane, electrolysis and corrosion worse than realized.

I can't stress enough the quality of the surveyor. Surveyed two previous boats by Allied Marine- the most thorough, comprehensive and thoughtful survey I've seen in the 5 purchase surveys I have paid for. And wish they would've surveyed the current boat. Wouldn't have stopped me from buying, but would've had me negotiating additional work and/or cost reductions.
Did my purchase through Zimmerman Marine's yacht purchasing service. They provide a warranty on work that is not found through the survey (they have a say in who surveys). My DeFever 44 had some issues that were not found on survey but were present at purchase. Zimmerman covered those repairs (there is a limit). Issues were wet deck around dinghy crane, electrolysis and corrosion worse than realized.

I can't stress enough the quality of the surveyor. Surveyed two previous boats by Allied Marine- the most thorough, comprehensive and thoughtful survey I've seen in the 5 purchase surveys I have paid for. And wish they would've surveyed the current boat. Wouldn't have stopped me from buying, but would've had me negotiating additional work and/or cost reductions.
Curious, why didn't you use the ace surveyor again for the current boat?

Indeed, this is precisely how a survey report should be used, to negotiate for items that are uncovered, that the seller ostensibly didn't know about, and once he/she does know about them via the survey, how can they say the original asking price remains valid?
I have written this before. When I bought my current boat I asked a friend of mine who was a close friend of a big yacht sales firm in the area, which surveyor do you not want to see come aboard a boat you are selling. Even my broker tried to talk me out of him by saying that his list of problems will be a problem for an insurance company. I hired him. He did well. Not perfect but very good.
Seeing a number of threads with folks talking about problems they are trying to solve that were not found during a survey, some asking about recourse on the surveyor.

Many folks are not listing what was not found so would like to ask for members to help us prospective buyers know what was missed to help us achieve a better end.

What was missed by your or the surveyor's inspection? What did you do to fix the issue?
Our surveyor did well and found several significant issues we bargained a lower price. The big miss was a corroded fresh water tank. In his defense, the bilges were dirty and had water in them making it difficult to see leaks. Our big takeaway was to insist the boat be detailed prior to the survey so dirt didn’t cover problems
Surveyor? Yes, required for insurance. But, for however long you own the boat, for most of us, you'll be doing boat work. Lots of boat work. So, my belief is that a buyer should be capable of doing their own "survey." Just thinking of two things: 1) Which improvements are required to fix the boat and which are to make it fit my desires. And, 2) which fixes are fun and which are a burden (i.e. which I do my self and which I hire out.)

When I bought my current old boat (40 years old), I mostly focused on the engine room. I saw evidence that the PPO (previous previous owner) had taken care of the engine. There were a lot of good things about the boat. There were also some obvious issues. For instance, I smelled diesel around the high-pressure fuel pump. And the wiring was terrible. Thank God for Nigel Calder!

The owner, after handing me the keys, took the jump starter with him as he left the boat. He said, "Make sure you get one of these!" I translated that to mean that the batteries were shot. That meant the first order of business was to get new batteries, battery charger and upgrade the wiring.

There were a lot of issues I had to address but few surprises. Fortunately, almost all fell into the category of "Fun to Fix." Fact is, boats supply us with an everlasting list of fun things to fix.
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First off, I am not a lawyer, so take this with a grain of salt and do your own research.
Most surveyors have disclaimers in their contracts/paperwork that could make it difficult to "hold them accountable", if they are not willing to admit their error(s). Also this would depend on the exact local/state(provincial)/national laws that are applicable in your jurisdiction. However, going to court is usually not a win in any shape of the word, and could end up throwing good money after bad......but could be a consideration (depending on circumstances).
If the issues that were missed are egregious (expensive and should be obvious to a trained surveyor), possibly contacting the accrediting body that this surveyor belongs to would be at least worth a phone call or email, and if "bad enough" contacting a marine lawyer for advice would be in order??
Unfortunately this could end up being a case of "buyer beware" both for the choosing of the surveyor as well as choosing the boat.
Sorry to hear about your situation!! Good luck.
Firehoser's comments are spot-on... from someone who is a lawyer. The exceptions would be fraud, intentional mis-reporting, or some breech of agency or contract related to the survey. We purchased an older Gulfstar this Summer and several items were noted that would be expected on a 45-year old boat (mostly benign or cosmetic).

Of relevance to the thread, the surveyor found a fuel-fill hose (diesel) and gen exhaust hose that were recommended for replacement because of minor surface checking. The insurance provider required replacement for both. While replacing the exhaust hose, I discovered a scupper drain hose going to a thru-hull that began weeping profusely as soon as my foot came in contact with the hose. It was obviously in critical condition and had been completely overlooked by our surveyor, or the surveyor used by the previous owner about two years earlier. My "punch-list" of issues requiring attention by the insurer was our problem, many of which were likely mis-construed because of the tone perceived from the survey comments. From my perspective, the problem is the need for a uniform grading system from which surveyors can communicate the seriousness of a concern to prospective owners and insurers. The problem however, is that just like a lawyer who can't really say what a Judge will do, a surveyor may not understand what motivates an insurer when it comes to risk and liability.
In the past 30 years, as a broker I've been involved in about 1000 surveys and each one has "missed" something. Keep in mind a survey is akin to a pitcure of the vessel at that moment in time. One of my favorite surveyors when asked "if it works" his response is "it did when I tested it". I have had the same boat surveyed with-in a week by 2 different surveyors and after reading the reports, one would question if they were even of the same vessel. Keep in mind, a survey is an opinion; ask the same question of two different attorney's and you will get 2 different answers.
Surveyors only inspect what they can see so don't expect them to move personal items to inspect behind clothes in a closet or underneath gear stored under "V" berths or sofas. Few will even remove screws to open a plate.
After reading some of the comments it seems buyers want more testing and inspection that what is reasonable: Surveyor check alignment visually and turn the props, they do not measure engine alignment. They sound the hull and sometimes use a moisture meter, yet that's questionable on a vessel that has just been hauled for a few hours. Few buyers are willing to pay to lift and block a vessel for the days it takes to dry for an accurate moisture meter test. Also you need to have "as built" plans as there are multiple factors that effect the meters. Are you willing to pay the fee for Infrared testing? That alone runs into the $1000's. Few sellers will allow any form of destructive testing.
Mechanics will test and visually inspect what they can. If the engine runs to temp the cooling system may be fine, but the impeller may have a torn fin that rips a few hours later. The bildge pump float switch is fine but a week later the screw that anchors it to the deck has the screw head corrode off, causing the switch to float in the bildge, never activating, allowing the vessel to take on water and sink. No one inspects screw heads. How about a starter bolt that loosens causing the flywheel to jamb? I have yet to see anyone check the torque on bolts anywhere on engines.
Seems buyers want mechanics, surveyors and brokers to not only predict the future but to gaurentey "nothing will go wrong.
I am more concerned about a surveyor that reports something that has been there forever, asin original build as a must fix, that causes the insurer to say fix it or else.

Some things get missed, oh well, insurer did not care about it.
I know what you mean Steve. With Pilitak's purchase, the surveyor found some wiring that was not connected to anything (at either end) and noted it as requiring removal. It was factory installed as a "per-wire" for possible future air conditioning, and both wire ends were neatly coiled and stored "out of the way". Insurance asked for it to be removed due to the survey. I just taped off both ends and left it in place, as there was no way that wiring "as it was" could be the cause of any kind of loss.
To answer the original question:
- 2 of 3 windshield wipers inoperable
- sea water pump inoperable
- very low water pressure in all faucets (clogged aerators only)
- overboard discharge of holding tank was identified, overboard discharge of both heads was missed, one in plain view, the other hidden behind the generator.
You can always order a new boat. Usually, a new boat has under 1000 mistakes. We in charter need 2 years after the new boat delivery to repair the mistake, but sometimes, it is not possible to repair a new boat under 100000 €, like a construction failure in a new duffor yacht. going on court you need lot money,10-20-30 year time and always possible lose 50/50%. like me last time I win on court but because the other side go bankrupt I must pay court expenses and other side's lawyer.
you have cheap lesson,next time you must watch and survey boat and you must decide buy or leave.
I think the problem with surveys is, they basically whether the item is working or not working. Condition is often mentioned, however on a working item, that is largely taken with a grain of salt.

Then, when you actually start getting into systems, everything is working, but at the end of their duty cycle. So things break often. Well.........on boats, things break. The survey is not some magical guarantee that things are going to continue working for years to come. How long has to pass before its no longer the survey and it's just the normal progression of a boat?

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