Boat in a drive through?

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I'd like to rent one; don't think I want to own or maintain one. Wonder how long term tolerant of salt water, sand, shell and coral bits, the tread drive units are.

Looks fun in the right location. However, I see it much like a PWC, fun for a bit but otherwise an expensive toy that wouldn't have enough practicality for me.

However, I have toys that fit category. I have a couple kayaks, a sailing/rowing dignhy, and soon a couple SUPs. All of those are toys with limited usefulness. The difference is that, for me, they are all relatively cheap. Someone with a lot more money than I may view the Iguana the same way. Cheap water toy.
Great. Another solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

That was what I thought at first. Last year I looked into who was buying them/how they were marketed. They are designed to be auxilliary vessels launched from wells on mega yachts for “expedition” use in remote places.

Like if you and some buddies need to get across the reef at, say, Tarawa...
Similar idea to this:

However, if it is like the Sea Leg drive, you can only run it for about 10 minutes at a time due to heat accumulation in the hydraulic drive system.

Not going to get very like that.
What powers the tracks? The starting battery? Submerged bearings and electric motors. Lots of them!
Oh mister chief engineer. Please fix the boat in an hour or you are fired. Lol!
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