Boarded by Coast Guard

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Oct 15, 2016
Vessel Name
Speedy Charlotte
Vessel Make
Beneteau Swift Trawler 44
This was a first for me. Cruising down the estuary into Alameda, got boarded by the Coast Guard. They ran down a list of safety items, etc. I had most of it, but my Coast Guard documentation was, of course, expired by 2 weeks, DOH!

They said I may or may not get a call regarding them issuing a fine, or something to that effect.

Does this happen frequently?
I’ve only been boarded a couple times. I know some that seem to be a USCG magnet.

It does happen, but not frequently.
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Dunno how to assess frequency, but I had one boarding last year. No deficiencies, no hassles. Party of a three, plus the coxswain of the RIB. They had come from a 110 standing off about a half mile.
once you have a boarding CG4100 boarding form, they are supposed to not board you for another year without probanle cause.

Because there was a discrepancy, I believe now you may not have that priviledge.

Once you get a clean one, then so.

But in reality, if you are in the right place at the right time.....sure you might get boarded and no USCGAUX sticker or previous 4100 will matter.
This was a first for me. Cruising down the estuary into Alameda, got boarded by the Coast Guard. They ran down a list of safety items, etc. I had most of it, but my Coast Guard documentation was, of course, expired by 2 weeks, DOH!

They said I may or may not get a call regarding them issuing a fine, or something to that effect.

Does this happen frequently?


Is your vessel properly State registered with CA numbers etc? Or do you claim it to be a Documented vessel? Or both?

Begging the question, when does a CA domiciled vessel need up to date USCG Documentation?
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Is your vessel properly State registered with CA numbers etc? Or do you claim it to be a Documented vessel? Or both?

Begging the question, when does a CA domiciled vessel need up to date USCG Documentation?

You can’t just claim to have a documented vessel. You actually have the document and a sticker with the expiration date on port window. It must be renewed yearly.
We have been boarded one time in the almost 30 years of boating. I think they were doing training, and it was our turn.
Fortunately we had all the documentation and equipment required.
It was totally painless, we never changed speed or course per their instructions.
You can’t just claim to have a documented vessel. You actually have the document and a sticker with the expiration date on port window. It must be renewed yearly.

Not to be funny buts what’s a documention sticker? We have a certificate but no sticker.
You can’t just claim to have a documented vessel. You actually have the document and a sticker with the expiration date on port window. It must be renewed yearly.

There is no documenttion sticker, just the certificate which you must have on board and up to date. You may be referring to your state tag sticker which should still be displayed somewhere visible on the vessel, though not necessarily on the bow since you do not have to display your state reg number.
Regarding the CG4100, last,and only, time I was boarded when they handed me the "your golden" they told me that if I showed it to a boarding party within six weeks then they would not board. I seem to remember that this was on the form as well. This was some time ago so things may have changed. Regardless they can board you at any time for cause.
Not to be funny buts what’s a documention sticker? We have a certificate but no sticker.

We have a MD "Documented Vessel" sticker good for 2 yrs. I suspect that this s what's being referenced. AFAIK there is NO such sticker from the USCG, unless I've been doing it wrong for 25 yrs as a documented vessel owner. IMG_0028.JPG
you have to request deletion of documentation...

as usual, I suspect its best done in plenty of time to avoid the overlap of expiration and deletion.

I suspect no fine as a recreational boater but you never know.

no federal the old days you got one to stick on tbe "original COD" for yearly renewal.
Documented here too. No sticker. I kinda wish I did have one! Lol
Last time i was boarded they took my passengers aboard the coast guard Boat and provided a pilot to drive my boat to the dock.
My boat seems to be a boarding magnet. I average once per year and twice last year (doing the Loop). The more you use your boat, the higher the odds per year as they generally aren't boarding boats at the dock. Also, if you tend to use your boat during the week, you're more likely to get boarded for practice. When I'm the only boat out and there coming the other way, odds go way up. I've gotten use to it and find it's great fun to flirt with the girl coasties.

Hmm, my sticker actually came with the document. I’m heading over now, so I’ll check it out.
Hmm, my sticker actually came with the document. I’m heading over now, so I’ll check it out.

Nope... no sticker here either. I wonder if it is a state thing?
My boat seems to be a boarding magnet. I average once per year and twice last year (doing the Loop). The more you use your boat, the higher the odds per year as they generally aren't boarding boats at the dock. Also, if you tend to use your boat during the week, you're more likely to get boarded for practice. When I'm the only boat out and there coming the other way, odds go way up. I've gotten use to it and find it's great fun to flirt with the girl coasties.


Ditto. We use the boat in the winter, the Coasties get bored so we get boarded generally once a year. Never seen any girl Coasties but there must be some of them. Otherwise, how would you get boy Coasties?
I was about 2nm offshore and they approached and called me on the radio. It was kinda snotty, about 4'. I told them I did not like the idea of two boats transferring folk in those conditions. A bud had been boarded offshore and took some damage to his boat, I was remembering that. I told them that if they insisted, I would run the boat into a nearby inlet and they could board in quiet water. They agreed and so off we went. Boarding was without any trouble, no deficiencies.

It was a young crew, and I think they wanted to train for offshore boardings. I was not into that. Not matter how good you are, two hard shell boats in 4' are going to bang the hell out of each other.
I have been boarded multiple times. This has always been at my request though in my big boat though.

The local Coast Guard station near me is a training ground and I would rather expose new Coastie‘s to big boats before they go to other populated areas where they would cause issues.

Most of the kids have never been on a boat bigger than the one they are boarding from. A lot of the time there are two ribs out and they are practicing towing each other and setting anchors. This should give you an indication as to how new they are.

I personally keep all of my documentation in a binder and present it to them. The very first section of the binder is Alexander Hamilton‘s letter to the revenue service.

The experienced coxswains know who I am and always take a moment to ask the new kids if they know the significance of that letter.

This has developed a great working relationship between the local guys and myself when they see me on the water.

Several weeks ago, I was using my dinghy to pull a disabled boat back to the dock. They had the audacity to stop me as I was dragging this boat. I was only about 100 yards from the boat ramp and they had me stop completely.

One of the new kids came up to me and got my information. When he walked it back to the coxswain, the coxswain said “we know him, he’s good” and I went on my way.

Unfortunately for me in my area, the Coast Guard auxiliary thinks that it has more power than it really does. As a whole, they tend to harass boaters in our area and I have personally observed them be sent away by local law-enforcement officers.

I know there are some good volunteers, but as the saying goes, one bad apple.
Hmm, my sticker actually came with the document. I’m heading over now, so I’ll check it out.

Donna, if you used a documentation company to do your paperwork when you bought the boat they may have sent everything through to you together. So you probably got you doc cert and state tag in the one mailing. In future you will renew these separately.
This was a first for me. Cruising down the estuary into Alameda, got boarded by the Coast Guard. They ran down a list of safety items, etc. I had most of it, but my Coast Guard documentation was, of course, expired by 2 weeks, DOH!

They said I may or may not get a call regarding them issuing a fine, or something to that effect.

Does this happen frequently?

Apply for the update to your documentation NOW. It will show it was an honest oversight on your part and you quickly corrected it.
Thank them for pointing out this discrepancy.
That's the best you can do.
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Last time i was boarded they took my passengers aboard the coast guard Boat and provided a pilot to drive my boat to the dock.

They took your passengers to the USCG boat and your boat to the dock for a further inspection? What was their reasoning?
I have been boarded multiple times. This has always been at my request though in my big boat though.

I personally keep all of my documentation in a binder and present it to them. The very first section of the binder is Alexander Hamilton‘s letter to the revenue service.

The experienced coxswains know who I am and always take a moment to ask the new kids if they know the significance of that letter.

I know there are some good volunteers, but as the saying goes, one bad apple.

Letter by Hamilton ??
Perhaps you will provide us a copy for our binders?

The last time I had a USCG volunteer on my boat, I knew more than she did.
I considered it an opportunity to expand her expected knowledge. It was fun and I'm sure she will remember what she learned.

Reminds me, I need that voluntary inspection again. Mine is maybe 3 years old. In my cases, everything is up to date and the inspection is a snap.

They are supposed to watch you apply the sticker to your vessel. Something else she didn't know.
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Not sure what you mean

You can’t just claim to have a documented vessel. You actually have the document and a sticker with the expiration date on port window. It must be renewed yearly.

You get no sticker with USCG documentation, or at least I have never received one.
Any Canadians boarded/inspected by Canadian Coast Guard?
No coast guard where I am except during canada day weekend, but seen people boarded by OPD. Each year though the guards offer free inspection at my marina when they come aboard on your request to inspect security items and if you are compliant they give you a sticker mentioning that this boat has been inspected at a given date and is compliant.

BTW another inspection I have been through a couple of times was when we kept the boat at a marina. A CG inspector came down the dock and told me he as coming aboard to do a MSD inspection. He poured a dye into both heads and flushed. Then went outside and watched for the dye. He didn't bother checking y-valves or through hulls - just the dye test.
One USCG boarding in the bay, and one USCG/Fed "interview" offshore for drugs.

In CA, no stickers or external stuff needed when Fed documented. Just an up to date doc on hand, and the numbers need to be permanently a-fixed in the engine room, certain size lettering, and font if you read the fine print.

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