blogging software

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Oct 7, 2007
Vessel Make
Bayliner 4550 Pilothouse
Anyone here have any experience with blogging software and implementing blogging software?
Not a computer geek myself but if you get in touch with ken williams the owner of norhavn sans souci he was the founder of sierra on line and now runs talkspot as a hobby. He is a member of nordhavn dreamers and has his own blog"**kens blog"
he is very approachable and very helpful. i'm sure he can point you in the right direction.
Without a doubt, Wordpress is the best, and is usually available free of charge from your web hoster, since it's open source software. You can see it in action here.* I also highly recommend the Wordpress theme software called Thesis.* It really simplifies getting your blog looking just the way you want it to.
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