Backup Depth Sounder

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Nov 14, 2010
Does anyone have a suggestion for a good, relatively inexpensive unit I can use as a back-up to my Garmin GSD22 - We have a complete integrated Garmin system (GPSMAP 5212, GSD22 sounder, GMR18HD radar*and GHC10 autopilot) which we love and would recommend, except that occasionally it loses the bottom on the depth sounder (always at the wrong time) - We are working on that gremlin (any suggestions would be appreciated - it appears to be random and once every couple of days for 5-10 minutes), but we would like to get a secondary backup that is a completely separate unit*

Any suggestions?*


-- Edited by dekedekay on Sunday 27th of November 2011 09:33:09 AM
I recommend you shop at a marine electronics store and not WM or a big box place. *If you are unlucky, your new second transponder will interfere with your existing. *Bring your Garmin Owner's Manual and transponder specifications with you when you go shopping for your second depth finder. *The salesperson will help you select the correct unit.*

Just buy a second depth sounder and install a second transducer.

Set one of the depth sounders to 50 khz only mode, and set the other one to 200 khz only mode.
ksanders wrote:
Set one of the depth sounders to 50 khz only mode, and set the other one to 200 khz only mode.
******* Good adivce! If they are both set to the same frequency, they talk to each other and the result is a lot of interference on the plotter screen.


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I put my transducers on the opposite sides of the keel. Ca'nt remember the frequencies but I have no negative issues.*
I put my transducers on the opposite sides of the keel. Ca'nt remember the frequencies but I have no negative issues. I make a point of having 2 sounders and 2 VHF radios.
I installed a backup unit shortly after buying the boat. It is a Humminbird with digital only readout. I mounted the "shoot through the hull hockey puck" transducer inside the hull pressed down into a glob of softened toilet sealing ring wax . It is mounted on the opposite side of the keel as the original though hull unit probably 6' away. Not sure of the frequencies but both have worked fine for 2 or 3 years now, I only run both at the same time occasionally to make sure the readings are the same, after all, it is a backup.
Steve W
My second fathometer is a Furuno/Airmar digital that operates at 235, the color sounder operates 50/200.* No interference or other issues.
A 14 ft long 2 inch pole with stripes changing color every foot , and a band at your boats depth will do fine for a backup!

Also a great help on board or in the dink to find the way off the shallow spot ,

and stiff enough to push , as required.
I have a depth sounder above and below, but my backup backup is a portable Humminbird Pirhanna MAX portable. Has a suction cup transom mounted Xducer and is awesome*for the dinghy.
Fixing the main depth sounder is the best plan. Most of our boats aren't big enough to have two of everything and as some have mentioned running two depth sounders at the same time can often cause problems.

My "Backup Depth Sounder" is an extendable boat hook. It reads to about 12 feet.

-- Edited by rwidman on Monday 28th of November 2011 04:18:46 PM
I have one of those remote depth sounders that you hook to a fishing pole. Cast it out ahead of you and it shows the depth on either a display or a wris****ch type of display. Great for gunkholing, assuming you have someone on board who knows how to cast a lure. Oh yea, you can fish with it too, acting as a cork.
Ok, now that's just funny! W r i s t w a t c h is now a dirty word? Oh, never mind.
Keith wrote:
Ok, now that's just funny! W r i s t w a t c h is now a dirty word? Oh, never mind.

That is what happens when you rely on computer software to do your thinking for you.*


I just went back and figured out the letters that were blanked out ("t w a t").*Standing alone, they spell what might be considered by some to be a dirty word.

-- Edited by rwidman on Wednesday 30th of November 2011 06:53:12 AM
Spell check is funny, once I wrote castnet, in one word, it didn't recognize it and suggested Castrate as a substitute.
On AOL the spell checker does not recognize Obama it suggests 'badman' or "bagman" as a substitute
Steve W
Steve wrote:
Spell check is funny, ............. On AOL the spell checker does not recognize Obama it suggests 'badman' or "bagman" as a substitute

*Well then, it does recognize "Obama".*

-- Edited by rwidman on Thursday 1st of December 2011 07:26:18 AM
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