Axiom 9+ with Wakespeed 500 display issues

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Veteran Member
Mar 26, 2016
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Bluewater PH Trawler
I use an Axiom 9+ MFD as my main radar display but also use the Victron app in the Dashoard to check on the DC system. I recently updated to ver 4.8.164 which added "simplified" view, but I lost the ability to display alternator output. The WS500 is networked via my CerboGx which relays to the Axiom network input. Within the Dashboard, there are editable fields and it is there I was previously able to find the WS output current and get it to display crudely but visibly in the Dashboard. With the update that's no longer true. I can view it via VRM in the Victron app, but that requires extra steps and is inconvienient for getting a quick look and reverting to radar display. I have contacted Raymarine support but got nothing useful from them, I asked if they had plans to add a Wakespeed app and was told no.
I'm curious if others have had similar experience and have some insight?
I can't help except to ask Have you talked to Wakespeed yet? Maybe they have something to offer.
Just occurred to me. Late I know.

Have you checked the wiring, all of it, between the readout and the info pick up points, sender or whatever.
If the wire and terminations are corroded, loose or improperly crimped those connections will cause trouble. Resistance in the wiring , the fittings and so on will change the readings and cause erratic readings.

Check your wiring meaning often redoing it properly with a good crimper, good terminals, some anticorrosion dielectric grease or products such as NoAlox or Penetrox coating both the wire itself, the barrel of the crimp terminal and any other connections. I use Pipe Cleaners to apply. They can be reused for later projects.

Have some paper towels or rags handy as they are messy.
Just occurred to me. Late I know.

Have you checked the wiring, all of it, between the readout and the info pick up points, sender or whatever.
If the wire and terminations are corroded, loose or improperly crimped those connections will cause trouble. Resistance in the wiring , the fittings and so on will change the readings and cause erratic readings.

Check your wiring meaning often redoing it properly with a good crimper, good terminals, some anticorrosion dielectric grease or products such as NoAlox or Penetrox coating both the wire itself, the barrel of the crimp terminal and any other connections. I use Pipe Cleaners to apply. They can be reused for later projects.

Have some paper towels or rags handy as they are messy.
Thanks for your reply. This is definitely not a connection issue, as I stated in the post the data is available, it's a challenge in getting the Axiom to display it with the editable display fields. Wakespeed uses the PGN format to transmit data and the Axiom is not friendly to it. I've made some progress by approaching it as battery data rather than alternator, but it's trial and error at best.
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