The sail seems to dampen the roll a bit but*doesn't eliminate it.
I have given some thought to rolling chocks (bilge keels) and tried to get the lines drawings for the Pilgrim from Gozzard.* With that we could do some CFD (computational fluid dynamics) work and see what effect different designs would theoretically have.**It would be more of an academic exercise than anything else.* However,* Mike Gozzard hasn't seen the lines in quite a few years*but said that if he came across them he would send me a copy.
I haven't gotten the ambition to go out in the cold this winter to take the lines off using traditional methods.
A roll tank might be a good fit on the boat deck of a Pilgrim, but the cost to design one would be significant (and you need the non-existant lines drawings to begin).
We seem to have the "its a boat, and boats roll (and pitch)" attitude.
Roll, Roll you son of a b___h
The more you roll, the less you pitch
Pitch, Pitch god dam_ your soul
The more you pich the less you roll
Usually spoken when pushing a pinched-in-ends IOR vintage sailboat hard downwind, as you rolled both rails under.
Now that I think more about those days, trawlers in general hardly roll at all.