Another Northern New England sign of spring

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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We are going for I think our fifteenth year. It is our 'Rite of Spring'. Boats, beer and March Madness, the perfect combination.

Rob and Diane
37' Sedan
Its a long way to Tipperary for you from Noank. Grew up in Greenwich and it was a long drive here from there too.

We plan on four hours. If the traffic is light we make it in less and consider it a bonus. Diane hits the shops in the morning while I go to the show. We meet for lunch then it is March Madness Time! Will you and your bride be there?

Rob and Diane
37' Sedan
Me and the missus will be there Sat, probably just after lunch.* Its a 3.5 hr drive for us. We have friends with Brooklin Boatyard, Cape Rosier Boats and a couple of others that we may hang with for awhile as well as wandering around. Don't plan to stay more than 2 hours or so.


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