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Jan 18, 2025
Glad to see such a great Forum on the web. We don't have a boat yet, but I think Trawlers are the coolest on the water. Haven't had the opportunity to own a boat because work came always first, but retirement is coming up and it's time for fun. Probably will look into getting a nice used maybe vintage steel trawler. I like simple things, not too much mumbojumbo, like a solid single diesel engine, nice and slow, for cruising. Hope you all have a great 2025 season on the water. Going to read all the great posts and get going. Andreas
Welcome. Where do you plan to cruise? When considering “vintage” and steel, you really need to consider how well the build was. Second, check to see if you can even insure a older steel boat. Below is a good article to start with.
Hi Mac2.

Thank you. that was great advice, I did read the article. Puts things in perspective and puts more questions on the does and don't list.
Well, we have 100,000 or so Lakes up here in Cottage country, but Lake Simcoe will probably be a good playground.
Hallo Comodave.
Yes, I like that quote. I guess I always had it in me, been an Angler since Childhood. But other than a Fishing trip out of Sceveningen in Holland on what I think to remember was a Steel Trawler I was mostly Shore bound. Time to change that.
...Probably will look into getting a nice used maybe vintage steel trawler. I like simple things, not too much mumbojumbo, like a solid single diesel engine, nice and slow, for cruising...
What is your idea of "vintage?" Looking to see if your priority is aesthetics, age, price etc. There are quality steel trawlers with single engines. What does "vintage" add for you?
What is your idea of "vintage?" Looking to see if your priority is aesthetics, age, price etc. There are quality steel trawlers with single engines. What does "vintage" add for you?
Hi Judy.
Yes, those 3 things pretty much tell the story, I'm vintage myself. Haha
Well, aren't we all - just some wear it better than others ;-)

I might have figured out "vintage." Perhaps you mean "traditional" as in reverse raked windows, portuguese bridge, etc. Vintage could be a Romsdal for example (from the 1960s) or Cammenga (from the 1980s).

But with the "vintage" steel trawlers, you will have more concerns over the hull coatings than with "newer" trawlers where the improved technology in coatings significantly improved.

I might be able to make some suggestions for boats on line and not yet on line. What is your price range? Anticipated range? Maximum LOA?
Welcome aboard from southwest Florida! When shopping for a boat, keep in mind that Insurance is difficult to obtain and more expensive on older models.
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