50yo new to me steel trawler

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Jul 24, 2019
Firstly, many thanks to members who gave invaluble advice on deciding between old converted trawlers to be used as a long range dive base/family cruiser.

I am now the new owner of a 1970 steel ex-prawn trawler converted into a private cruiser.

200Hp Mercedes OM355
5:1 Capitol gearbox driving a 42x36" 4 blade
30 and 10 kva auxiliaries
8500l/2250 US gal fuel
Watermaker with 1000l storage
10mm steel hull
45t lightweight

The 160nm solo steam home was uneventful over 2 days. 15 litres (4 US gal) per hour @ 1500rpm/8kn. Not too bad, I thought, for an old girl with a lot of heft.

I dont know what the hour meter reading refers to but, regardless of any personalisation or refits, its staying. ?

Cheers. Mike


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Is that 5910.9 or 59109 hours? If the latter I imagine it's been rebuilt a few times! If the former then probably not. She looks husky that for sure.
fantastic looking boat.
a very nice busy helm. All the information is right there.
I hope you have many happy miles and hours with her.
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Nice looking craft good luck ....curious , how did the NDT hull survey go?
Nice looking craft good luck ....curious , how did the NDT hull survey go?

In all honesty, no electronic NDT was done prepurchase, just extensive visuals. The owner had replaced extensive sections of steel in the original commercial to pleasure conversion and these were easy to spot and verify. Fortunately, all the plate work, ribs etc below the waterline are very easy to access.

These is some very mild pitting in the engine bay but given the gauges of steel involved it wasn't a deal breaker nor a major concern. No surprises have appeared post purchase. �� ��
After a log strike in British Columbia waters, I'm envious of steel and aluminum hulls.
After a log strike in British Columbia waters, I'm envious of steel and aluminum hulls.

Hahaha. My neighbour on the pole mooring was helping me tie up one day and asked where he should push with his 15hp tender so not to cause any damage. I laughed and said the hull is 10mm (3/8") plate, give it all you have! ��

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