<u>THIS NOT YOUR TYPICAL CRUISER BUT IVE USED IT MORE AS A CRUISER THAN A FISHING BOAT. HOWEVER IF YOU WANT TO OWN A QUALITY BIG BOAT AT A FRACTION OF THE COST INVESTED AND HAVE A LIMITED BUDGET THEN READ ON. INTERESTING TRADES CONSIDERED.</u>The boat is a 1980 Egg Harbor convertible sport fisherman. It is a fishing machine but its as comfortable a cruising boat as you will find. It is docked in*the Florida Keys (about 28 miles from Key West). It draws 4.5 ft. of water and the top of tuna tower is 28 feet above the water. The boat is registered in Florida, has a clear title and currently on the hard. Boat is sold as is but being on the hard, detail inspection can be done on bottom and running gear. **
The hull is solid hand laid fiberglass with fiberglass decks, salon house, and fly bridge. The hull decks are end grain balsa cored and in excellent condition. The bottom of the hull is over one inch thick glass and the construction is heavy throughout.* At 48,000 lbs, she is no lightweight yet she will cruise at 19 kts and top out at 22 kts.*
The boat has a fully equipped galley and two staterooms with separate heads and stall showers. It has a galley down arrangement. A large salon is entered from the cockpit by way of a sliding door and has to starboard*a custom dinette*with large storage compartments under the seating and with a table that can be raised or lowered.*A new Uline 25 lbs/day*ice maker is below a continuous counter that has a bar sink and faucet.*Two 17,000 BTU Ocean Breeze air conditioners*with four condensing units and a March 1200 GPH magnetic drive cooling pump provide air conditioning throughout the boat. This boat has exceptional*storage capacity that will make cruising*or living aboard very comfortable. Safety wise the vessel complies with all USCG safety and navigational requirements and also has four bilge pumps including a large automatic emergency unit fitted with an audible high water alarm.*An Ideal windlass with pulpit,*non skid foredeck,*and heavy duty stainless steel bow rail*makes anchoring and working the foredeck easy and safe. The ground tackle of a 60 lbs CQR anchor,*large*Danforth, and grapple will allow*anchoring in all*bottom conditions.
The boat has a spotless engine room housing twin bullet proof fresh water cooled Detroit Diesel 8 92s TA*and Allison MH15 transmissions. Also located in the engine room are the 15.5 KW generator, AC units, starting and house batteries (8 D), fresh and sal****er pumps, battery charger, and a set of mechanical gauges for each engine and transmission.* All are extremely easy to access and service. The fuel capacity is 800 gallons of fuel in twin fully independent tanks.*Easily accessible supply and return fuel manifolds provides the flexibility to use either tank for each main engine and the generator.*Twin Racor 1000's with 2 micron filters provide filtered fuel.*A heavy duty*tuna tower*provides flybridge shading and*will allows*sighting feeding birds from miles away if your fishing or sight coral heads if youre cruising.*A fully equipped cockpit includes*large tackle cabinets, a large live bait well, 14 rod holders, double spreader outriggers, center rigger, downrigger, fresh and salt water wash-downs,*as well as*two huge fiberglass insulated fish boxes and*a Rybovich fighting chair.*
Although much more was done, these are the major work items accomplished in the recent renovation:
- Extensive*engine work was performed by RPM of Ft. Lauderdale. Their instructions were to go through the engines completely repair/replace whatever was needed for trouble free cruising.*Work included replacing turbos, exhaust blankets, exhaust manifold, intercoolers, intake/filter housings, blower rebuilds, and transmission heat exchangers. Engines were completely detailed. The engines have a total of approximately 2600 hrs total.
- Racors*1000's fuel filters were rebuilt and relocated*to facilitate filter changes and to allow the vacuum gauges (new)*to*be checked from cockpit entrance.
- A 12 volt oil change/fuel polishing/fuel*transfer system was installed.*This system allows the main engines and generator engine crankcase lube oils to be easily changed with no mess. It also provides for the fuel in either*tank to be polished by way of one of the Racor filters. Fuel levels can also be equalized by*transferring fuel*from either tank.
- Engine room was redesigned and was painted white, separate*storage areas were created for engine room maintenance items, main 8D batteries, and generator battery.
- Engine start/stop was moved to a new engine room entrance from the cockpit. A work station with large vice, multi tray fully equipped Craftsman tool box will handle all but the most complex repairs.*
-*Dayton 4C 447 exhaust blowers maintain the engine room temperature*while underway and exhausts the engine room continuously after the engines are shut down to reduce load on air conditioners. **
-*The original*1-3/4" shafts were changed to 2" Aquamet shafts*with all new bearings, stuffing tubes.*New*transmission couplings were installed to accommodate the larger shafts.
-*The*propellers and rudders were removed and rebuild as required.
- Changed out (replaced with new Perkos not the cheap Chinese imitations) all*nine thru hulls and strainers for the two main*engines, generator, ac cooling pump, salt water wash-downs, and four*for the intake and discharges of the two heads.
-*Installed 15.5 KW Kohler generator with sound enclosure and new exhaust system (240 total hours on the unit).
- Stripped bottom (no blisters of any size) and painted with two coats of Pettit Trinidad.
- Installed new*splash rails forward and aft.*Aft rails are molded PVC with stainless steel inserts.
- Installed all new cockpit deck (one inch okume ply w/ope frames, glassed,*faired, and primed).
-*Build new*tackle and storage cabinets.
-*Build*two very large custom fiberglass, insulated and removable cockpit fish boxes.
-*Build large live well at center of transom.
-*Installed fresh and salt water wash-downs in the cockpit.
-*Relocated shore power to protect it from the weather.
-*Build a new engine room entry from the cockpit. This significantly improves ability to check engines and engine room equipment while underway and prevents messing up the salon.
-*Installed new aft bulkhead (2 -1/2" okume plywood epoxied) and side walls. Fiberglassed, faired, and primed with awlgrip 535 high build primer.
- Removed and rebedded all salon windows.
-*Salon was stripped and rebuilt with the stab'd side containing a large*sette with storage below and ice maker with bar sink aft. Front and to port is a large custom entertainment cabinet with more storage. On the port side there is room for a large sleeper sofa.
-*Front widows were eliminated for safety reason. Exterior was*glassed*and faired and primed with awlgrip 535 high build primer.
- The hull had been previously*awlgripped and is in excellent shape.*Salon house and cockpit*were faired, sanded*and then primed with awlgrip 535 high built primer.
- Rupp double spreader outriggers were removed and completely*rebuilt.
-*Electronics include*a Raymarine model 620 chart plotter, Lowrance depth sounder (new), and vhf radio (new).
There are some items that remain:
-*****Headliner to be installed in staterooms. I have left this off so new owner can inspect underside of cored deck and use headliner of choice.
-*****Carpet to be installed (heavy duty commercial grade carpet has been bought and is included).
-***** Application of exterior top coat on salon, cockpit. Areas have been faired and primed with awlgrip. Prep work is the most expensive step.
-*****Install two heads. I have crown bowls and was just planning on replacing the motors.
-*****Minor interior cosmetics details and new window treatments.
-*****Complete refinishing fighting chair.
Also included:
Spare water pump, oil change pump, and many misc spares parts. New section of 2 inch aquamet19 shafting.
1500 lbs capacity Marquip aluminum deck crane. Not installed.
Eleven ft. fiberglass rowing dingy. Has title so it can be powered.
The hull is solid hand laid fiberglass with fiberglass decks, salon house, and fly bridge. The hull decks are end grain balsa cored and in excellent condition. The bottom of the hull is over one inch thick glass and the construction is heavy throughout.* At 48,000 lbs, she is no lightweight yet she will cruise at 19 kts and top out at 22 kts.*
The boat has a fully equipped galley and two staterooms with separate heads and stall showers. It has a galley down arrangement. A large salon is entered from the cockpit by way of a sliding door and has to starboard*a custom dinette*with large storage compartments under the seating and with a table that can be raised or lowered.*A new Uline 25 lbs/day*ice maker is below a continuous counter that has a bar sink and faucet.*Two 17,000 BTU Ocean Breeze air conditioners*with four condensing units and a March 1200 GPH magnetic drive cooling pump provide air conditioning throughout the boat. This boat has exceptional*storage capacity that will make cruising*or living aboard very comfortable. Safety wise the vessel complies with all USCG safety and navigational requirements and also has four bilge pumps including a large automatic emergency unit fitted with an audible high water alarm.*An Ideal windlass with pulpit,*non skid foredeck,*and heavy duty stainless steel bow rail*makes anchoring and working the foredeck easy and safe. The ground tackle of a 60 lbs CQR anchor,*large*Danforth, and grapple will allow*anchoring in all*bottom conditions.
The boat has a spotless engine room housing twin bullet proof fresh water cooled Detroit Diesel 8 92s TA*and Allison MH15 transmissions. Also located in the engine room are the 15.5 KW generator, AC units, starting and house batteries (8 D), fresh and sal****er pumps, battery charger, and a set of mechanical gauges for each engine and transmission.* All are extremely easy to access and service. The fuel capacity is 800 gallons of fuel in twin fully independent tanks.*Easily accessible supply and return fuel manifolds provides the flexibility to use either tank for each main engine and the generator.*Twin Racor 1000's with 2 micron filters provide filtered fuel.*A heavy duty*tuna tower*provides flybridge shading and*will allows*sighting feeding birds from miles away if your fishing or sight coral heads if youre cruising.*A fully equipped cockpit includes*large tackle cabinets, a large live bait well, 14 rod holders, double spreader outriggers, center rigger, downrigger, fresh and salt water wash-downs,*as well as*two huge fiberglass insulated fish boxes and*a Rybovich fighting chair.*
Although much more was done, these are the major work items accomplished in the recent renovation:
- Extensive*engine work was performed by RPM of Ft. Lauderdale. Their instructions were to go through the engines completely repair/replace whatever was needed for trouble free cruising.*Work included replacing turbos, exhaust blankets, exhaust manifold, intercoolers, intake/filter housings, blower rebuilds, and transmission heat exchangers. Engines were completely detailed. The engines have a total of approximately 2600 hrs total.
- Racors*1000's fuel filters were rebuilt and relocated*to facilitate filter changes and to allow the vacuum gauges (new)*to*be checked from cockpit entrance.
- A 12 volt oil change/fuel polishing/fuel*transfer system was installed.*This system allows the main engines and generator engine crankcase lube oils to be easily changed with no mess. It also provides for the fuel in either*tank to be polished by way of one of the Racor filters. Fuel levels can also be equalized by*transferring fuel*from either tank.
- Engine room was redesigned and was painted white, separate*storage areas were created for engine room maintenance items, main 8D batteries, and generator battery.
- Engine start/stop was moved to a new engine room entrance from the cockpit. A work station with large vice, multi tray fully equipped Craftsman tool box will handle all but the most complex repairs.*
-*Dayton 4C 447 exhaust blowers maintain the engine room temperature*while underway and exhausts the engine room continuously after the engines are shut down to reduce load on air conditioners. **
-*The original*1-3/4" shafts were changed to 2" Aquamet shafts*with all new bearings, stuffing tubes.*New*transmission couplings were installed to accommodate the larger shafts.
-*The*propellers and rudders were removed and rebuild as required.
- Changed out (replaced with new Perkos not the cheap Chinese imitations) all*nine thru hulls and strainers for the two main*engines, generator, ac cooling pump, salt water wash-downs, and four*for the intake and discharges of the two heads.
-*Installed 15.5 KW Kohler generator with sound enclosure and new exhaust system (240 total hours on the unit).
- Stripped bottom (no blisters of any size) and painted with two coats of Pettit Trinidad.
- Installed new*splash rails forward and aft.*Aft rails are molded PVC with stainless steel inserts.
- Installed all new cockpit deck (one inch okume ply w/ope frames, glassed,*faired, and primed).
-*Build new*tackle and storage cabinets.
-*Build*two very large custom fiberglass, insulated and removable cockpit fish boxes.
-*Build large live well at center of transom.
-*Installed fresh and salt water wash-downs in the cockpit.
-*Relocated shore power to protect it from the weather.
-*Build a new engine room entry from the cockpit. This significantly improves ability to check engines and engine room equipment while underway and prevents messing up the salon.
-*Installed new aft bulkhead (2 -1/2" okume plywood epoxied) and side walls. Fiberglassed, faired, and primed with awlgrip 535 high build primer.
- Removed and rebedded all salon windows.
-*Salon was stripped and rebuilt with the stab'd side containing a large*sette with storage below and ice maker with bar sink aft. Front and to port is a large custom entertainment cabinet with more storage. On the port side there is room for a large sleeper sofa.
-*Front widows were eliminated for safety reason. Exterior was*glassed*and faired and primed with awlgrip 535 high build primer.
- The hull had been previously*awlgripped and is in excellent shape.*Salon house and cockpit*were faired, sanded*and then primed with awlgrip 535 high built primer.
- Rupp double spreader outriggers were removed and completely*rebuilt.
-*Electronics include*a Raymarine model 620 chart plotter, Lowrance depth sounder (new), and vhf radio (new).
There are some items that remain:
-*****Headliner to be installed in staterooms. I have left this off so new owner can inspect underside of cored deck and use headliner of choice.
-*****Carpet to be installed (heavy duty commercial grade carpet has been bought and is included).
-***** Application of exterior top coat on salon, cockpit. Areas have been faired and primed with awlgrip. Prep work is the most expensive step.
-*****Install two heads. I have crown bowls and was just planning on replacing the motors.
-*****Minor interior cosmetics details and new window treatments.
-*****Complete refinishing fighting chair.
Also included:
Spare water pump, oil change pump, and many misc spares parts. New section of 2 inch aquamet19 shafting.
1500 lbs capacity Marquip aluminum deck crane. Not installed.
Eleven ft. fiberglass rowing dingy. Has title so it can be powered.