400 Bad Response

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Oct 31, 2007
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Willard Nomad 30'
My computer seems OK elsewhere but I keep getting "400 Bad Response". I tried to add photos to my 1st post on "gallery" and loaded up more pics and it said that I "don't have permission to edit this post". It's my post. What gives?
I believe there is a time limit on how long a post can be edited. After the time is up the post can no longer be edited except (I assume) by an a forum administrator.

As Marin has commented, you've been "timed out." The posts you are trying to add to are no longer active.
Not my style Dude!
This screwed up my plan for the picture/album thread. Willard Boat Owners Yahoo Group has a photo section where lots and lots of boats are recored. One can put the people and the boats together and even see the people and I'm really glad many posted (or is it not many) and really glad so many posted pics of themselves. I thought I could keep the photo/album thread on the front page by posting an edit now and then (with the help of others also) but it seems I'll need to put up a new post to do that and run the risk of look'in like i'd like to hog the show. Well** ...I don't but I've already spent time just click'in on all the pics gawk'in at all the nice boats**** ...well mostly boats. But I'm still getting "400 bad response" when using Safari on TF*** ...only on TF. Started using Firefox that may be not completely or properly installed. I also want to talk about the photo pics but John says must post pics. And the pics would kinda get lost in all the comment, talk and chat posts. Thought about another thread "photo talk" but it would promptly get seperated from the mother picture thread ???????** I guess we'll just ride it out and let it run it's course.
Eric--- I use a Mac and have totally given up on Safari. It does a lot of stuff okay, but it also won't do a lot of things I want to do. I could never get it to post photos to TF or the GB owners site--- it even displays both sites differently. Safari has a tough time playing YourTube videos, too. So a long time ago I switched to Firefox and have never had a problem doing anything on the web. If you've not tried Firefox (you can download it free) you might want to check it out. It makes Safari look like something I'd designed.

The only thing I use Safari for anymore is to look something up if I'm already on a site on Firefox and want to check a piece of data or a fact. Other than that, I never use it.
"The only thing I use Safari for anymore is to look something up if I'm already on a site on Firefox and want to check a piece of data or a fact. Other than that, I never use it."

Why don't you just click on the wee plus sign next to the website banner and open up another browser window in Firefox to do that, Marin?
Yeah, I'm Macbook and Firefox also.

-- Edited by Peter B on Thursday 21st of October 2010 05:53:57 AM
Marin, Peter,I had Firefox on my PC (Compac) and found it a bit better than Safari. Then I went south and bought a 27" iMac at the University Village) from Kady * ...a young girl at the Apple store. She's a trawler girl to be sure. Her parents named her Kady (not Katie) after Kady Krogen boats. Anyway I think it already had Safari installed and everything worked so well I didn't even think of Firefox until about 3 months ago. I installed it or sorta installed it and went back to Safari. But when the "400 bad response" stuff started I got on Firefox. When on Firefox I really miss the way favorites and bookmarks are presented. There are things I miss about the old PC but I can't remember what they are. Kady showed us really neat iMac stuff that I haven't seen since but this winter I'm going to pick up more skills and familiarity w the iMac. I have several books and "over the phone tutoring" service as an extra. Did you guys notice I now can make my links clickable "hyper"? Old dogs learn * * .....
but slowly. Stop and see Kady Marin. She will show you iMac stuff even you don't know about.
Marin wrote
" So a long time ago I switched to Firefox and have never had a problem doing anything on the web."
Me too!* I've had a Mac since 1985 and nothing else. (I also have owned Apple*
stock about that long)*

Since my last post I've been on foxfire all the time I'm on TF. I can get on the main page of TF on Safari but when I click on any thread it says "Safari can't load this page". All other things on Safari work normally. Seems to be a problem w Trawler Forum but ????
Eric, being a bit of a Mac fan now, it pains me, but I have to say....no....it's just that Safari is crap......
I wonder if it will print that in full or asterisk it....?
Now I can't post pics on Firefox either. It's a TF issue for sure as I can post pics on all my other forums and facebook***** ...just not TF. It seems I posted my limits on ___ bytes.
John, can one go over some sort of limit on posting volume. Those 2 Yachtworld posts must have been quite large and they loaded up instantly***** ..not like other uploads.
I've got the biggest and most capable I-mac there is. What's up doc???????
Ditto Eric's problem.....I can't post a photo either. I'm using a Mac Duo with FireFox and haven't had a problem for three years. After selecting the photo I want to post, I hit "upload files" and the pinwheel continues to rotate forever. Is there such a thing as exceeding the "aggregate" allowable uploads for each user?
I've loaded more than ten photos before with no problems. I size my photos in Photoshop to an image size of about 800 or 900. Like this photo is 900 x 602.

This one was loaded using a PC running the forum on MS Explorer. But at home I use a Mac with OS-X Snow Leopard and Firefox.

Perhaps by the time you see this you will have resolved your problem. If not, pehaps throwing out your preferences and having your computer create new ones will solve the problem. Or try throwing out all your cookies (except the chocolate chip ones which are delicious) and then logging back into the forum.

-- Edited by Marin on Monday 8th of November 2010 11:56:16 PM


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Sorry folks...I have not been a good mod lately...just been busy. Eric, I think your problems are endemic to you only....sorry. Safari is typical Steve Jobs crap trying to steer you into his world while leaving many important plug ins off of his browser. So keep trying. I will say that there is a 5mb limit to uploading pics. 5mb is HUGE in the "uploading pic to the internet" world. If your pics are bigger than this(most point and shoot camera now shoot pics natively larger than this), then you will likely get an error. Even if they are below 5mb but near it, they will take FOREVER....WALT.....to upload and will leave you hanging on the swirly whirly screen. My strong advice to uploading pics and as Marin has suggested is to resize them before posting them. It makes everything go much more smoothly. There is a "right click" app out there somewhere that I use that attaches a "resize" option to your "right click" menu and makes resizing very painless. You can even do a batch resize with it. I am PC all the way so my tool likely won't work on a Mac.....you are gonna have to suck up to ole Stevie boy for that one...
...seriously, I would assume Mac has something similar or at the very least, a very simple way to resize your pics.
Seems to be working now.
This is the size picture I've been posting for a long time.
This is a test also.
Is this a problem for TF?



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Positive identification of the problem**** ...Hughs Net. They have a system whereas if you use too many bytes they make you sit in the corner for a day or to w less than dial-up speed. We're going to byte the bullet and upgrade from 500 (?) to 700 (?). So if and/or when I drop off the edge***** .....I'm sit'in in the corner.
Eric, they call that "throttling data"...you have been "throttled"...just FYI!!!...
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