Welcome to the forum!* Lots of Californian owners here, so you'll hopefully get lots of good advice to this thread.
Like FP said, the fuel tanks seem to be the achilles heal of the 34.* The prop shafts sling water onto the tanks encouraging corrosion.* I see 'your' boat has shields deflecting this water away from the tanks.* Many have converted to dripless shaft logs for this reason.*
Mine is a 1977 model without*a generator.* We use a Honda 2000 to supplement when needed on anchor for a few days.* I'm also adding a 100A alternator to charge my new 660AH house bank.* I run a 1200W *inverter for mainly microwave,*shop vac*and coffee maker.* I have propane for stove/oven and a 12v/110v fridge.* With this new battery bank, electrical capacity is not a problem.*
I also have no heat or air conditioning.* I don't know your intended use or location, but we find that having no air is not really an issue, even in the CA Delta where it often get over 100.* The days are spent outside and in the water and evenings are cool and that allows us to sleep well.* In the winter, we have small ceramic heaters we can use on shore power or with the Honda generator.* I also have a portable propane heater with O2 senser and tipover protection that warms the boat nicely on cold mornings.*
I agree that the midship berth is tight and awkward since it's not an island bed.* We*have fwd bunks which make a perfect storage area that we'd miss if they we gone.*
The boat has a reputation for being stout and very seaworthy.* The hull is VERY thick and strong.* I like the fact that you've got a re-engined vessel there with low time engines that should last you a lifetime.* Great hardtop and canvas over the cockpit.* That will add a lot of living space to your boat in cool/wet weather.* Not many 34's have that feature.* Also, your transom gate is a big plus!*
Things I'd look for:*
Sagging deck at aft pilothouse corners
Leaking or corroding fuel tank
Substandard wiring by previous owners over the years
This photo*shows sanitation hoses.*
There appear to be some lightweight, flexible corrugated hoses there that might not be intended for sanitation system use.* I can't quite make out the function of the one at the bottom that sags like a trap then exits to the right, but it looks like a smell problem.* That whole thing is an 'interesting' managerie of parts.* Is that a 110v romex wire there between the hoses?
BTW, I have the same grey non-skid on my boat and it gets very hot to the bare foot in the summer sun.
Keep us posted on your boat quest.