34' CHB Forward Hatch Delete

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Oct 26, 2024
Northern California
Hey there,

I just brought my new to me 34'CHB Puget from Eureka, CA to Bodega Bay, CA and found myself really wishing that the forward cabin hatch was flush so I could turn that forward cabintop into a proper daybed. Has anyone swapped the raised hatch (with stainless rubstrake protected glass) to a more modern flush mount type? I love the look of the wood but would trade it for the ability to put a daybed up there that covered the hatch. There's just not enough room to hang there comfortably with that big hatch in the center. And, yes, I would put a removable piece in the daybed mattress that would allow the hatch to open of course.

Any input or photos would be super appreciated.

I have not done that but there isn’t any reason you can’t. Just have to find a hatch that will fit the opening when you cut off the existing hatch. Also when you have the cushion made for the daybed have the area of the new hatch made as a separate cushion so for emergencies you have the second exit from the forward cabin. Maybe snap it to the hatch frame.
I'm wondering how well a daybed, as you call it, would actually work ,given the crown on the cabin top. Are you certain that occupants would be comfortable up there and not always trying to remain balanced? Also, there's the issue of storage of the large cushions when you're not using them.
We were always happy with a couple of cheap lawn chairs when we wanted to lounge on the forward cabin but you're probably envisioning having a bow full of (paid) bikini clad models lying up there as portrayed in all of the boating manufacturer advertisements.
What Comodave said about hatch frame. Many of my customers ask for covers over the hatch snapped to the deck. Death wish.
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