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2024 Helmsman 38 Sedan - Chesapeake Bay MD - $699,000

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Given the only way to the flybridge is through the hatch, what beam of tender can be carried without obstructing. And the David can pivot to that? What were you planning to use?

I’m surprised I don’t see the newer Helmsman builds with lithium and solar.
I have a 2024 Pilothouse with 1000 ampere hours with 5 house agm batteries, 3 solar panels for about 750 watts and the engine alternator with 160 amps. I’m prewired and pre plumbed for a generator. I have no generator and have had favorable results so far. I’ve run the16k air conditioner while underway on sunny days and the batteries never went below 99%. Lithiums would be great.
As readers try to parse the various pros and cons of the sedan model vs pilot house model, this discussion about dingy size highlights a difference that may escape attention. On the sedan the flybridge seating and controls are set materially farther forward than on the pilot house. Therefore a dingy can be (must be) set running fore and aft on the port side. But allows for a longer model.

That can be of benefit to some. It would raise weight distribution questions.

For those that want a customization that includes a grill or fridge up top, the extra room might also be welcomed.

There are obviously other differences since simplistically this is a stretched 37 sedan. Shoppers would need to spend time aboard both to grasp them. Helmsman will have Nicks sedan and Greg’s pilothouse side by side at Trawlerfest Baltimore next month. There will be no better time to compare.
Here's our 38 sedan with and without the dinghy in place. It is a Whaly 370 with a 20hp. Fits fine, with room for a bench seat with stowage under, by the port rail aft. I would opt for a taller crane, though - weight isn't a problem, but hoist clears the side rail by only an inch. Without the dinghy, it's a great entertainment area. There's a folding table that sits between those chairs and the bench seat.


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Great boat. Great arrangement
And Sorry to hear about your health. I'm 56 and looking to buy my first trawler but move the decimal point one place and that's my budget.
You might be able to find an older Camano Troll for 69,999, but doubt a 38". We bought a 2008 Seville 37 (AKA Helmsman 38) 2 1/2 years ago for 235k and just updated all new electronics package for another 20. But as famous sailors once said- "Go Simple. Go small. Go now."
Attached below is a link to a video of my boat, made last week at TrawlerFest -

Attached below is a link to a video of my boat, made last week at TrawlerFest -

Hi Nick: so sorry to hear of your health. I am also in my 70’s and had over 20 boats over the years. Last one was a 2017 42 ft Lagoon Catamaran. We love your boat but the price is a little high for us. We are also looking at a Beneteau Swift Trawler 44. Please IM me at rayjanine@aol.com so we can discuss your boat further. Thank you Ray.
Hi Nick: so sorry to hear of your health. I am also in my 70’s and had over 20 boats over the years. Last one was a 2017 42 ft Lagoon Catamaran. We love your boat but the price is a little high for us. We are also looking at a Beneteau Swift Trawler 44. Please IM me at rayjanine@aol.com so we can discuss your boat further. Thank you Ray.
Hi Ray, I have Hull#3 of the 38S being built now, eta March 2025. If you are interested, my Beneteau Swift Trawler 34 is for sale now. It is a 2011 model, 2000 hours on engine, 385 hours on Genset. I have taken meticulous care of her. Asking price is $284k. I am located on the Pamlico River in eastern NC. You can see the "Okie Hokie" on Yachtworld.
Attached below is a link to a video of my boat, made last week at TrawlerFest -

Hi Nick, Great video! We are super excited about our 38S being built now as I am sure you are aware! Our option list is different than yours otherwise I would buy your beautiful boat in a heartbeat! Like you, we are looking for the right buyer of our Swift Trawler 34! Patience my friend! Cheers, Skip
Nick, I was just checking Waterline and YachtWorld for Helmsman listings and noticed “Culmination” was no longer listed. Curious if you’ve changed your mind or your boat has sold? Hoping it’s whatever you preferred.
Hi Nick, Great video! We are super excited about our 38S being built now as I am sure you are aware! Our option list is different than yours otherwise I would buy your beautiful boat in a heartbeat! Like you, we are looking for the right buyer of our Swift Trawler 34! Patience my friend! Cheers, Skip
The Swift 34 is a great boat. I had a Swift 30 and loved it. It seemed to do everything very well. We just needed more room for our dog, so we bought a 38E.
Nick, I was just checking Waterline and YachtWorld for Helmsman listings and noticed “Culmination” was no longer listed. Curious if you’ve changed your mind or your boat has sold? Hoping it’s whatever you preferred.
Thank you David. The boat is sleeping for the winter, shrink wrapped and winterized, and thus off the market since it’s not easily seen right now.

Unfortunately the trajectory of health and aging issues are unchanged (unless someone can send me the coordinates of the Fountain of Youth), so it’ll be back on the market in the spring.

If the promised dramatically higher tariffs on goods imported from China come to pass, it’ll be interesting to see the resulting impacts on the boat market, new and used.
Thank you David. The boat is sleeping for the winter, shrink wrapped and winterized, and thus off the market since it’s not easily seen right now.

Unfortunately the trajectory of health and aging issues are unchanged (unless someone can send me the coordinates of the Fountain of Youth), so it’ll be back on the market in the spring.
If you receive the Fountain of Youth co-ordinates, please post them, others are very interested.
Unfortunate, even surprising, it has not sold. I thought I saw you posting about a GB42, but it could be lack of Fountain of Youth on my part.
If you receive the Fountain of Youth co-ordinates, please post them, others are very interested.
Unfortunate, even surprising, it has not sold. I thought I saw you posting about a GB42, but it could be lack of Fountain of Youth on my part.
Ah, I think it might be scrambled neurons, I don't recall posting anything regarding a GB42 (except maybe to say that I shamelessly copied the salon layout of the GB42, or probably also your Integrity 38, for my Helmsman) 😆.
I plead "Long Covid", courtesy of being aboard "Royal Princess".
Ever since the last covid shot .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. sorry, I forgot what I was going to say
I plead "Long Covid", courtesy of being aboard "Royal Princess".

Ah, seems we’re both in the Long COVID club? COVID, the gift that keeps on giving and giving. Kind of like family guilt. Long COVID is what poured gasoline on the fires of my other health problems.
Let`s hope next season ignites your market.
Covid just grumbles along, knew you could get it from cruise ships but not vax. Hate to think how debilitating it could be on top of other ills. Soon I`ll try a return to lap pool swimming and see what happens.
Let`s hope next season ignites your market.
Covid just grumbles along, knew you could get it from cruise ships but not vax. Hate to think how debilitating it could be on top of other ills. Soon I`ll try a return to lap pool swimming and see what happens.
Most vaccines, including for COVID, cannot provide sterilizing immunity. One can still get infected even if vaccinated. What vaccines can do is significantly reduce the severity of infection, and make what would otherwise have been a severe or even fatal infection, into a mild one.

Scientific research is still in the very early days of understanding Long COVID (as I'm personally experiencing). Advice I've often heard is a 'radical rest' approach. It's clear that recovery from COVID takes a very long time. Exercise is good, but not to overdo it.

We should start a new thread on Long Covid, I have
  • Problems with memory, often called brain fog.
  • A feeling of being lightheaded or dizzy.
But not from or during the epidemic, It was about 6 months ago, the last covid booster. My wife & I, friends and family report the same all after the shot. I declined the current vaccine offer as a result. Since I remeber it was worse, I must be getting back to normal before.
Each of the 3 times I developed Covid onboard/just after being on a ship, I deliberately had a booster within the 4 weeks prior. The November 24 infection is my worst, the previous 2 resolved easily.I thought Covid became less virulent over time and maybe immunity improved from repeated exposure, but seems not.
We just dropped nearly 4K cancelling a 2025 cruise. I`m appealing to the cruise line`s "better nature" for a reduction, with little confidence. Still, losing 4K is better than getting sick again,or worse.
Each of the 3 times I developed Covid onboard/just after being on a ship, I deliberately had a booster within the 4 weeks prior. The November 24 infection is my worst, the previous 2 resolved easily.I thought Covid became less virulent over time and maybe immunity improved from repeated exposure, but seems not.
We just dropped nearly 4K cancelling a 2025 cruise. I`m appealing to the cruise line`s "better nature" for a reduction, with little confidence. Still, losing 4K is better than getting sick again,or worse.
I sent you a PM, since COVID was getting a bit off topic for this thread.

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