1994 4285 Express Cruiser w/3208 Cat, need your thoughts.

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Veteran Member
Jul 23, 2024
Fair Play ,SC
Good morning, I'm back again LOL. I am still searching for my boat. I am providing a link and would like to know your thoughts. My main concern is bad engine, I can do my own work. But have never worked on diesel, can build standard gas engines. So, I am not afraid of this just wondering possible costs. Also, what is the fuel burn per hr. per engine if anyone knows? All thoughts from simple to extreme welcomed.

I know we all don't have Facebook (I use my wife's) and it's not on any other listing at least I haven't been able to find it.
Fuel burn can be calculated at roughly 20 HP per gallon. So twin 400+ HP engines could burn 40 gallons per hour. Expect 20 to 30 GPH.

Assume a blown engine with the other one rode hard and put to bed wet. Before offering a dollar (I wouldn't), find out the replacement cost of a turbo charged 3208. Don't remember if they were made in this century (just checked, they weren't).

The 3208 is a good engine in the non turbocharged version. The problem is when you turbo it and then run them hard. The problem is you don’t know how they have been run their whole life. I am not much of an expert on Cats so I would find a good Cat mechanic to survey them. Good luck however you go. If you are going to run the boat on plane your fuel burn will be tremendous. Ask me, I have my Formula with 450HP Cummins. I say that I will run it slow to conserve fuel, BUT since I have all this HP I tend to use it…

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