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  1. R

    Newbie from Newport Beach, CA

    I've thought about that as well. I actually have 3 acres of land in Temecula where I keep my RV. It's a vacation rental when I'm not using it. I could easily store a boat there. I've even seen a towable trawler on youtube, just need to keep my eyes open for something like this locally...
  2. R

    Newbie from Newport Beach, CA

    No intentions of being a long term dock dweller. My hope is to cruise, and not locally. If I were starting out in Florida, I'd probably spend time in the Bahamas, and work my way down to the BVI's at the very least. Fortunately, I get most of my income from passive investments, so I can work...
  3. R

    Newbie from Newport Beach, CA

    i have some boating experience, mostly in smaller craft and sail boats. I hear ya on checking out different boats.. If boat slips were more available, I'd probably buy something smaller just to get my sea legs, do some runs to Catalina, and hopefully clarify my mission requirements. I also...
  4. R

    Newbie from Newport Beach, CA

    I'm aware of the shortage of slips in SoCal (I'm also a pilot, and hangar space is pathetic here as well). When I move on board it will probably either be on the east coast (Florida), or the PNW. I'll spend 6 months or more getting the boat ready, learning everything I can, and then hopefully...
  5. R

    Newbie from Newport Beach, CA

    I got the trawler bug part way through Covid and can't shake it.. I think I've given up. Just seems to fit too well into what I want my lifestyle to be. Thinking about buying something in early 2024, and moving on to it full time with my significant other. Leaning towards Nordhavn, but open...
  6. R

    Any owner crewed Nordhavn charters out there?

    I recently got the bug, and the Nordhavn 43 to 52's seem to fit the mission I'd be interested in undertaking at some point in the future. In the meantime, I was looking for any Nordhavn owners that are chartering and captaining their boats, so I could get a better feel for the operation of one...
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