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  1. J

    Re-placing an engine in a Grand Banks 36 Classic

    I'm replacing the stb Cummins 5.9 210hp engine. Qestions: Any knowledge of the weight of a short-block Cummins 5.9?; The partially assembled block will be but into the boat with a fork-truck through the cabin door on the port side. Once in the salon, it needs to move forward about 5 or 6 feet...
  2. J

    Dock water connection

    My Grand Banks 36 Classic has its dock water connection via what looks like a normal faucet on the inside wall of the transom. Even though it looks like an outlet to which you can connect a hose for a deck wash down, I connect the dock water source to it to supply water to the boat while we're...
  3. J

    Grand Banks 36 Classic

    I am rebuilding my stb engine so the engine room has much greater manuvering room right now. I would like to replace my steel (or aluminum?) Black water holding tank and now seems like a good time. But the Westerbeke generator is setting on top of the tank so it looks like it needs to be removed...
  4. J

    Cold plate refrigerator frosting

    I had a cold plate refrigerator system installed in what was an"ice box". From day one the thermostat didn't seem to do much. We had food occasionally freeze and heavy frost was an issue. The freezing occurred when my little battery fan worked. Also it greatly reduces the frost buildup. I've...
  5. J

    Seacock strainer

    Thank you for your comments. If I get some answers I'll definitely post. It may help others. I may think twice about when to replace a thermostat.
  6. J

    Seacock strainer

    The claim has been denied - not surprisingly. I've asked for details of the thermostat failure. It looks like I'll need to accept an amazing coincidence. Also, I was mistaken (as a couple of replies affirmed)- the exhaust manifold on a Cummins 6BT 5.9 is not cooled by raw water but by the closed...
  7. J

    Seacock strainer

  8. J

    Seacock strainer

    It’s been about three months since the last post in this thread. In that time, the Insurance company has hired a marine surveyor that specializes in marine loss investigations. Immediately during engine tear down the starboard thermostat was removed and tested. It proved to be ‘stuck shut’. AH –...
  9. J

    Thermostat maintenance

    How often should you test your thermostat and how frequently should you replace it? (Cummins 6BT 5.9 diesels or similar diesels) Bonus question? What could cause a failure (specifically fail in closed position)? And please venture an opinion (or experience): Can severe engine over-heating due...
  10. J

    Seacock strainer

    Correct - raw water runs first heat exchanger -at least one post mentioned an incident when sand associated with a grounding was only found in the heat exchanger. From the exchanger water enters tge exhaust manifold then out through the exhaust.
  11. J

    Seacock strainer

    The impellers look good - old, but OK. The smoke and excessive heat I believe was limited to the exhaust manifold so maybe the choking off of raw water before the engine shut down was pretty brief. Could be the engine survived (I hope)
  12. J

    Seacock strainer

    The engine hasn't been delved into yet. Speculation is good though because I have an insurance company chomping at the bit for an out. Trouble is that there was LOTS of snoke from the engine room and the paint is literally burned off of the exhaust manifold. I hope the idea that the engine...
  13. J

    Seacock strainer

    The starboard engine had shutdown as I was crossing the shoal or very shortly after. That was the alarms sounding. The port engine was running until we were secured and I rushed to the salon door. First, let our dog out (he travels in the aft cabin), then shut down the port engine and turned off...
  14. J

    Seacock strainer

    We went completly over the shoal. A very rough guess is that the shallow water lasted a little over 1 1/2 to 2 boat lengths (36 ft. GB). I continued on while preparing to drop anchor but was approaching state park seawall and ultimately tied up there. Only then did I kill the engines. What I...
  15. J

    Seacock strainer

    My question pertains to a brief grounding on shoal in the Intracoastal waterway. In less than two minutes the water flow shut off to my starboard 6bt5.9 Cummins 210 appears to have cooked it beyond help. This mishap will be covered by insurance (it was a collision). But after being towed 70...
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