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  1. wojo5901

    Diesel Smell

    Hello All, I put in100 gallons of diesel about 1 month ago for winter storage. I am on the Cheasepeake bay. Went down to winterize the boat this past Sunday. Boy did the inside of the boat smell of diesel. I did not see any diesel on the bilge, so I feel that there is no leak in the fuel...
  2. wojo5901

    Winter Storage Position

    Hello everyone, I purchased a 2002 Albin 32+2 about 2 months ago from Florida. I am boating on the Chesapeake Bay. Winter is coming and I need to put it on the hard for a few months. My question is, I seem to remember someone saying that the Albin needs to be Bow up, and not level, when on...
  3. wojo5901

    Vetus Bow Thruster just spinning

    Yes it did.
  4. wojo5901

    Vetus Bow Thruster just spinning

    The shear pin is on the inside. I replaced it and did not get wet. Thanks all for your info....
  5. wojo5901

    Vetus Bow Thruster just spinning

    Thank you all for the information. What I found through the doc's I received from the purchase of the boat, which just went through all, was the Vetus Bow is a Bow55. I ordered pins and waiting for them to come in. If I go to the boat this weekend, I'll remove the motor and take a look...
  6. wojo5901

    Vetus Bow Thruster just spinning

    New boat to me, 2002 Albin 32+2 just purchased about a month ago in Florida. Brought it up to the northern end of the Cheasapeake Bay. In our journey, the Bow Thruster stopped working. It just spins. Trying to find something on the model of Vetus thruster (type R125/3) online. Nothing as of...
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