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  1. D

    84 months of costs to live/use the boat

    I don't disagree and have no interest in telling people what to do with their money. Yet in this case I believe a simple search about whole life will provide some answers. I of course could be wrong
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    84 months of costs to live/use the boat

    I feel if you run the numbers you will find out that by far it would be better to get a term life insurance plan and invest the other in a real investment method than it is to do a whole life. BTW I am now on month 101 of tracking. The last year plus has been land living instead of the boat...
  3. D

    Problem with Balmar Mc614 and LiFeP04

    You should connect Balmar!!!!!! These can and do go bad. maybe try doing the factory reset first.
  4. D

    New Marketing trend with LFP batteries

    On the flip side, did people really know and get what they paid for in acid battery capacity? I wnder what the claimed tolerance is for battery capacity.
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    How important is redundancy for a coastal cruiser?

    In 7 years of full time cruising the US East Coat, Gulf, and the Bahamas I never experienced something breaking that completely stopped me. Yes there were things that I chose to stay at a spot to correct, but it never was a "must because can not move otherwise". Yes they happen, but if you have...
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    Tesla battery

    The inexpensive drop in LFP batters are soooo cheap now days for a battery that have use experience in the boating and RV world I don't understand why anyone would go a different way. I got 100AH 12v batteries just 2 years ago for $300/ea and now you can get less than $200/ea...
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    Ball sizes

    One of the best thread titles I have seen in a while :)
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    Time Zero TZiboat or Aquamaps?

    I have used AquaMap for year and like it a lot. I like that it has ActiveCaptain data and tides and currents. I also like that if you want you can get the Army Corp of Engineering surveys It isn't much of an investment. I think I paid $10 for all USA charts and like $50 for Explorer Bahamas charts.
  9. D

    Time Zero TZiboat or Aquamaps?

    I have used AquaMap for years and like it a lot. I like that it has ActiveCaptain data and tides and currents. I also like that if you want you can get the Army Corp of Engineering surveys It isn't much of an investment. I think I paid $10 for all USA charts and like $50 for Explorer Bahamas...
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    Hurricane donate

    I wouldmost here are boaters and some have been in or too close to a hurricane. Regardless everyone on this site can afford to make a donation to help and here is easy link t follow
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    just knock off the BS and go to below and donate
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    It wasn't, but I thought it was going to be a LOT worst. Now is the time:
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    POLL - Anchor-outs vs Cruisers - should permanent anchor-outs be restricted in ICW/AICW anchorages?

    gee I don't understand how I got quoted for this reply
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    Buying a Former Charter Boat... Good or Bad?

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the above
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    POLL - Anchor-outs vs Cruisers - should permanent anchor-outs be restricted in ICW/AICW anchorages?

    I have been reading of this "issue" for 15+ years. The discussion never changes really and nothing really ever comes of it. I admit I didn't really understand till I got into Florida waters. But now with 7 years of experience going up/down both coasts of Fl I feel I do get it. A a boater I got...
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    POLL - Anchor-outs vs Cruisers - should permanent anchor-outs be restricted in ICW/AICW anchorages?

    there are places in Florida that have a free pump out boat that goes around and pumps out anchored boats
  17. D

    Which Packing

    I used the Ultra-X graphite packing. It didn't leak even with the gland not even hand tight. You have to weigh the corrosion, which you can control, to the wear on the shaft of other packing that you have to tightened to control leakage.
  18. D

    Surveyor wording is a little harsh

    When you are forced to use them, have no input, get a report with unexpected things, when they wouldn't discuss with the person paying for the report. When a boat owner arranges an inspection and is paying for it THEY are the customer. If the owner later gets a report with a bunch of stuff...
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    Surveyor wording is a little harsh

    Isn't this survey thing such a scam! It makes my blood boil the way they treat us, their paying customer!
  20. D

    Collision and demasting

    Insurance paid the agreed value $59,950. I sold a few items off the the boat for $3700 and then sold boat for as is for $17000. So I got about $80,400 for a boat the insurance said was worth $115,000 once repaired and I didn't have to mess around and it was all done in 2.5 months Since no was...
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    Please explain purchasing a slip

    It makes sense for a lot of people, especially cruisers. You always know you are going to have a slip when you come back. You get to rent it out when you are away. You have more control than just paying a marina. There are more and more boats every year, but less slips (back to you know you will...
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    NOAA Request for Comment - Replace "Feet" with "Meters" as unit of measure???

    and there there are ........................... fathoms on the charts :rolleyes:
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    NOAA Request for Comment - Replace "Feet" with "Meters" as unit of measure???

    I got a follow up on a Sunday from NOAA. So they are reading the responses.
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    NOAA Request for Comment - Replace "Feet" with "Meters" as unit of measure???

    I summited "feet" I am OK wit meters, but but till the US goes meteric
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    Boater’s evolution

    Most boats rarely, if ever, go anywhere near as I have been able to tell. Don't under estimate the cost of those day boats. Have you looked up the price of a new 30' day boat with 900HP of outboards?
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