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  1. IRENE

    Cap Horn 55

    She looks beautiful! Thanks for posting the update. Have you noticed reduced “heat load” in the salon/galley as a result of the shade from the panels? Where are you operating (refitting?) now? Do you/will you have a website or blog with vessel particulars? Clearly you have been busy…:) Cheers
  2. IRENE

    MTU 8V183TE92 Engine questions

    There seem to he a number of owners and crews posting about MTU on yachtforums. Additionally, is a treasure trove of searchable data.
  3. IRENE

    The New Helmsman 46

    Hi. No.
  4. IRENE

    SF to Cabo San Lucas

    We departed Ensenada the first week of December, and arrived in San Jose about 5 weeks later and well into January. This leg presented plenty of interesting exploring and tremendous wildlife viewing. It was our favorite part of the Baja Peninsula. Safe Travels
  5. IRENE

    The New Helmsman 46

    I think the “what is it” has been answered… What is the reason…several. The propane range was not ideal for baking, the heat was uneven, leading us to explore replacement. Propane combustion leaves a significant amount of moisture in the boat, something not needed in the US PNW and BC...
  6. IRENE

    Will You Go Broke On A Boat? - 1999 Viking 60 SportYatch

    El Dorado, There are some members of Yacht Forums that have significant MAN experience, including details. Might be worth a stop over there for a search. I think someone else mentioned That is worth the price of admission as you can search and monitor forums by engine...
  7. IRENE

    temporary/backup anchor light

    VERY low power draw Davis Mega Light
  8. IRENE

    New to the Trawler lifestyle. Looking for Defever 44, 44+5, or 48 on West Coast or Mexico

    Greetings, Perhaps a DeFever 49 or Hatteras 48LRC… Happy Hunting
  9. IRENE

    Spectra water maker fresh water flush module valve position

    Thank you for posting this. We have the same unit, which came to us pickled when we purchased the boat 7 years ago. The watermaker queen commissioned it per the manual and let it auto flush with light use for 6 years. This last year it has supported our cruising under constant yet not heavy...
  10. IRENE

    Boat maintenance Puerto Escondido Marina, Mexico

    They are the prominent maintenance outfit on-site, in the building left of the store. Super easy to find. Ervin and Elizabeth speak English if needed.
  11. IRENE

    Boat maintenance Puerto Escondido Marina, Mexico

    Brandon, We had good results with Carlos Christiani Maintenance, limited to a hull polish/wax and underwater maintenance. Urial did the polishing/waxing, and the results were great. He was masterful working with the product, shade, and heat to get the results desired. Good Luck
  12. IRENE

    MX long term resident boater?

    Hello Leoka, Writing from LaPaz. We have not been here nearly as long as anyone else… Mexican people are generally wonderful. It happens every day here! What we have found - On the Baja Peninsula, boat goods are expensive. General labor (like polishing) is very reasonable and done with...
  13. IRENE

    PNW to Mexico, Panama Canal, and Florida, on our way at last!

    Amazing voyage, I enjoyed your writing. Thank you for sharing.
  14. IRENE

    Attempted Piracy?

    Glad the outcome was a good one. Thank you for sharing. I hope you are home by now; I am posting this for future travelers. Regarding calling the USCG - call the Seventh District Command Center in Miami. They are 24/7 (like the Sectors) but they manage the resources (law enforcement...
  15. IRENE

    Portland to Cabo anchorages?

    We have only been in the Sea of Cortez since January. I claim no expertise or porficiency. We have found the winds to be all over the place and all over the place in the same day. Anchor for protection from the north, wind switches to the west, etc. The majority of our anchorages have been...
  16. IRENE

    Portland to Cabo anchorages?

    This is our sentiment as well. The lightest RIB to do the mission is best. The following is NOT better than what KSanders shared. Our primary tender is a 7 or 8 foot Achilles air floor with a Torqeedo. Our larger AB RIB with the big motor, console, etc. is seldom used. If you go exploring...
  17. IRENE

    Portland to Cabo anchorages?

    We leave the tender on the beach (dinghy wheels), unlocked. If we are in a village I will ask a nearby resident, men chatting in the park, or fisherman if it is ok to leave my little boat here. We have been confronted with nothing but yes, welcome, have a good day. I have not heard of any...
  18. IRENE

    Portland to Cabo anchorages?

    I think it was not a lot, but when beach conditions allowed and we wanted to, we went ashore. There are some places to spend a few days and look around if that is your thing. Bahia San Quintin, the beach at the NW corner of Magdelena Bay, and Punta Abreojos were highlights. We spent many days...
  19. IRENE

    Portland to Cabo anchorages?

    He did the trip in a motorsailor. I would guess the motor was running unless the anchor was on the bottom. I asked them for details of the northbound trip as we are about to do it ourselves, but unfortunately, crickets. If I receive any response, I will attach it here for everyone’s benefit...
  20. IRENE

    Portland to Cabo anchorages?

    LeoKa, Between Ensenada and Cabo San Lucas is an area of few services and fairly open anchorages, 3 or 4 are protected in 700-odd miles. On the final third of the trip from Magdelena Bay to Cabo San Lucas, there are no places for shelter. Not trying to soil the dream, just reinforcing that...
  21. IRENE

    5-mos Cruising Pacific Mexico Q&A

    Fuel We need to frequent the same fuel docks as you do…$7.59/gallon for diesel in Puerto Escondido now. Was around $7.25 in San Jose in January and somewhere north of $6 in Ensenada in December. Safe Travels!
  22. IRENE

    Any good info on Chile?

    I am really enjoying your travel postings, thank you!
  23. IRENE

    Insurance Recommendation???

    Useful Insurance POCs Cyndi Ray, Risk Strategies Company/Gowrie Group, 443-860-2628. Gary Golden, Manifest Marine, 540-785-0398. Susan Waters, International Waters Insurance Services, email preferred, 904-863-6688. Buena Suerte!
  24. IRENE

    Any good info on Chile?

    Here is a link to the Flanders’ blog referenced by Captain Michael: Here is a link to the YouTube video with the owners of N64 GRANKITO: Enjoy!
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