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  1. Captain DJ

    WTB a North Pacific 28 Pilothouse "All Points Bulletin"

    Here is what you are looking for: Here is what I have: A little larger at 34 ft. But probably a better build quality from Cheoy Lee Pilothouse 34. Let me know if interested. It is in Olympia, WA
  2. Captain DJ

    Fuel tanks

    One more reason to make me love my three integrated FG fuel tanks holding 650 gallons. For a 34.5 foot boat, that is plenty and a major headache I will not have to contend with. Aside from eliminating tank corrosion/replacement issues, it provides a certain double hull safety with regards to a...
  3. Captain DJ

    Newbie search

    I have had both a Grand Banks 42 Classic and now a 36 Cheoy Lee Pilothouse Trawler in the price range. GB has better joinery and a bigger engine room and Lazarette. But I like my Pilothouse Cheoy Lee for bigger seas. The Cheoy Lee is from the oldest boat building family company on the planet...
  4. Captain DJ

    What is this? (Wood boat)

    I had hull 125, a GB 42 classic from 1969, same issue. Same approach. Old timer from Hatteras told me at a yard, bonding systems are designed to protect the metal on through hulls, but they must be either 100% effective or they could protect bronze at the expense of the wood surrounding the...
  5. Captain DJ

    42 Classic 1974 vs 1986

    Actually "Models built before Hull No. 353 in 1973 were constructed of wood; afterward, the semidisplacement hulls were fiberglass". I was aboard the last woodie 42 classic hull 353 and a few years later aboard hull 354, first fg hull. Didn't want to correct you from my memories, but this...
  6. Captain DJ

    Tripcony 48 Bridgedeck Motor Cruiser

    Makes me wish I was in Australia. What a great boat, awesome Gardner, excellent lines and a wonderful price. Good luck mate.
  7. Captain DJ

    42 Classic 1974 vs 1986

    I had the grand daddy of all 42 classic's built by American Marine Ltd., for 15 years I was the proud caretaker of Hull 125, a 1969 model built for Robert & Mildred Newton. It was the only 42 Classic built in the same yard as the Grand Alaskans that Art DeFever designed. It also had larger fuel...
  8. Captain DJ

    Willard 30 Voyager in PNW

    I really like the Willards, especially the 36 model. What diesel do you have?
  9. Captain DJ


    Welcome to the forum. Photos are always a plus. We boat pervs that spend hours viewing boat porn will always appreciate the photos.
  10. Captain DJ

    The useful life of a Lehman 120?

    here is a good help DIY at adjusting valves on the FL120. How many of you adjust your own valves? Do you do it every 400 hrs.? Mine is due with this year's maintenance and I am wondering if I should do it or pay someone that has more experience. I have replaced water pumps and coolant lines...
  11. Captain DJ

    Greetings to all who share a passion for life on the water.

    I love Seaton Trawlers. Savage is the 50 footer. The seller was on TF at one point. This 56 Seaton looks really nice.
  12. Captain DJ

    FOR SALE: Kadey Krogen 42

    I would be very interested in this KK42 at $100k. Get back to me if available and you want an easy transaction. What is this "typical American response " bs ?
  13. Captain DJ

    Better Late Than Never...

    Scot, As a long time fan of Beuhler, and DD, they are almost 100% single screw, minimal hp. Very Beeb-ish in design but rarely have wing engines. They can sail 2 to 5 knots if need be from emergency. He has one helluva plan doesn't he? For a Colombian with homes in Mexico he writes...
  14. Captain DJ

    Newbie trawler family

    Want a smoking hot, almost too good to believe deal, Contact Neal (owner/manager?) of West Bay Marina in Olympia, WA. Just before we left in October, a couple we saw cruising in a 31/32 ft Camano (nice boat) came into our Marina and sold it to Neal for an insanely low price. I don't know if...
  15. Captain DJ

    OMG!!!!!!!! I bought a Trawler!!!!!

    Hola Patrick and Welcome to the forum. We too bought an older boat, a 1974. So we wish you the best and may you enjoy the entire process.
  16. Captain DJ

    New member and new boat people!

    Welcome aboard. My wife, also a retired RN has cruised with me since we did the Great Loop back in 2001 when we were in our early 30's, just kids. We did Cuba and Yucatan but didn't make it to the Bahamas in our Grand Banks 42 Classic. Now we are in our 5th and probably final year of cruising...
  17. Captain DJ

    Back to Trawler Forum: Enjoying the New Look and Sharing Our Alaskan Adventures

    Read about Alaskan Airlines opening new direct route from LAX to La Paz soon. This might be helpful on your Californication portions of your adventures.
  18. Captain DJ

    Another new guy

    Welcome aboard matey, arrrgh. You are in a great area for cruising and exploring. My boat sleeps in Olympia Nov-May and then goes north, north and north. Looking forward to hearing your plans and aspirations.
  19. Captain DJ

    Hello from Wilton, Ca.

    Welcome aboard. Like that sense of humor.
  20. Captain DJ

    Our next cruise - Mexico to Alaska

    Kevin, Sounds like a great plan. I have been in love with Mexico and living here almost 15 years. Now keeping my boat in Olympia, WA at West Bay Marina. And driving from San Carlos, Sonora to spend June through October cruising and then winters and spring where it is sunny and warm, but not too...
  21. Captain DJ

    Replacing Bluewater 40 Pilot House Windows

    I envy the boat house for doing this work. Plus, the skill set, planning & patience involved in making this happen. Kudos to you! Definitely interested in following the project.
  22. Captain DJ

    Books for a ground floor novice

    Welcome aboard. Contact me next June/July. My wife and I cruise from June through October and would be happy to meet you, show you how we cruise on a thriftier budget than most we run across. We haven't made it to Alaska yet but get closer each season. Best wishes DJ & Cheri
  23. Captain DJ

    We took the Plunge

    Welcome aboard. You have one of my dream boats for sure.
  24. Captain DJ

    Power cat east coast summer liveaboards, gold loopers, electrical dork

    I would like to hear/read more about BoatKit. I enjoy entrepreneurial stories. Good luck.
  25. Captain DJ

    Li Installation Contractor Hold Harmless and Insurance Approval

    Someone once told me a "professional " or "expert" is defined by a Person that learns more and more about less and less, until they know absolutely everything about nothing at all. Some "professionals" seem to work hard at fitting that definition.
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