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  1. milt

    Proud Mary renovation status

    All I can say WOW, I looked at your boat way back when it was for sale under the name uno mas. Passed on it and decided on a larger boat that was closer to home (FL) Have been following your trip south and the rebuild these past years. You are doing a great job bringing her back to the shape she...
  2. milt

    It never gets old.....

    Caught the same sunrise on the west side, the other pine island in south west FL. We were anchored off Chino island.
  3. milt

    Favorite sedan trawler under 40'?

    looked long and hard and found one that was right for me. The Europa style did not suit me because of the fly bridge overhang (I am 6' 6" tall & 300 lbs.). I was also looking for a project boat (cheep) that we could use and work on at the same time. Not looking for a long range trawler...
  4. milt

    paragon trans. rebuild

    Could not find anyone in Fl who knew much about this trans.:banghead: The boat is being put on the hard Mon. the yard will pull the trans., put on a pallet and will be sent to a shop in SC. to be rebuilt.
  5. milt

    paragon trans. rebuild

    I was wondering if any one knows of a shop that would rebuild a 1973 paragon P type transmission in the SW/S Florida area. Lost reverse and the trans. started to slip while heading back. Plan to put it on the hard, have the bottom painted while getting the trans done. Thanks Curt
  6. milt

    Flax size for Marine Trader 34

    Thanks for the heads up, will take a close look at the shaft when I get back in Oct.
  7. milt

    Flax size for Marine Trader 34

    I did the stuffing box about 2 years ago. I used 3/8's I think. I pulled out 2 rings and replaced with 3 rings. I did not try to match beveled sacrifices, just butted them together making sure the butts were not in line with each other. Adjustments now and then to keep the drips about...
  8. milt

    Burgee flags

    My wife made covers for both forward and aft flag poles. The flag on the bow was used on a car side window, I removed the plastic pole that fastens to the window and put two grommets for mounting.
  9. milt

    Paragon Transmission

    Have searched internet, you tube, found basic info. but not my problem. Talked to some one who works on these trans. and supplied me with the parts and blow up picture of the trans. I needed but over the phone was unable to come up with an answer. to the shifting problem. I have had it apart...
  10. milt

    May be repositioning to west coast of Fl.

    Bought my boat at lands end a few years ago, nice marina with gates at each dock and a good restaurant. But not floating docks. Milt
  11. milt

    Paragon Transmission

    I lost reverse in my 73 MT trawler it has a 120 Lehman diesel with a paragon trans. When I took it apart I noticed the reverse linkage in the trans. had come apart. I managed to get the reverse lever legs and roller out but the two pins slipped down to the bottom of the case. Ordered...
  12. milt

    HOBO On The Move

    Yep, passed the old HOBO while he was rounding the south end of Pine Island earlier this week.
  13. milt

    I'm stuck at work..

    Off the coast of Kittery Maine. {not this time of year)
  14. milt

    I'm stuck at work..

    Sunset off cape harbor, Cape Coral FL.
  15. milt

    Water run off the top deck? Looking for ideas.

    I have about a six inch overhang from the bridge. Rain water tens to migrate under the overhang and drip on the windows and walls of the cabin. To cure this I put thin chrome looking auto side molding around the edge of entire overhang. The water hits the molding and drops off. Don't know if...
  16. milt

    Our new boat 1976 Hatteras 42LRC Mk1

    What I meant to say was where in FL will you keep the boat, Curt
  17. milt

    Our new boat 1976 Hatteras 42LRC Mk1

    Congratulations on the new boat. Have you settled on a home port for her? Curt
  18. milt

    AC breaker for ‘75 CHB trawler

    The switch on my boat has an adapter plate to mount the breaker. If you are looking to replace the breaker, get the name and numbers off the breaker and check online. Did a search some time ago and found it. Didn't need one at that time so I didn't save the info.
  19. milt

    Where do you store your stuff?

    A little different situation but same idea. We are planing to sell our house up north and stay in FL. full time. We spent a whole summer getting ready for a huge garage/house sale. We have been in this house 25 years and had brought many items from earlier moves. We made enough from this sale...
  20. milt

    Heat Exchanger Core Replacment - Perkings

    We are also in the area (Pine Island), if there is some way we can help let us know. Curt
  21. milt

    West Coast of FL (GICW)

    We went from Tampa bay to Pine Island two winters ago, no issues with depth in the Chanel. We only need four feet for our 34' MT, have not noted any change since Irma, others may have more recent updates. We were inside the whole time. Our trip took two days with one night on the hook in the...
  22. milt

    Punta Gorda Seawalls

    I live on the south end of Pine Island and ended up with a horizontal crack along the bottom of my seawall due to the water pressure on the back side of the wall and now it is buckling out along the crack. The water left the canal faster then the water could seep out from behind the wall. We...
  23. milt

    Taiwan teak interiors....

    Cannot tell you why some boats are let go to that extent, but I am glad that I found one in that condition. The PO was a heavy smoker so I needed to wash the interior down twice to get rid of the brown tinge on everything, my wife made new curtains and cushions. There was also junk all over...
  24. milt

    Burnt Store Marina?

    There are sand bars around the north end of Pine Island, at lower tides I have seen boats pull up and unload chairs and coolers. Not Sanabel but it is sand.;)
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