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      StephanK replied to the thread GS 44 MC and MY.
      Still trying to figure out exactly what number owner I am. Seen 4 or 5 different names on receipts thus far. Not sure if all were...
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      StephanK replied to the thread GS 44 MC and MY.
      Those hand written electrical diagrams are a nightmare waiting to happen LOL. Can't imagine trying to decipher and apply them...
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      StephanK replied to the thread GS 44 MC and MY.
      Thanks for posting these as they do go to answering my original question. In my mess of docs are the original detailed spec sheets for...
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      StephanK replied to the thread GS 44 MC and MY.
      I've been going over this boat intimately the last couple weeks. And in doing so, I came across a BIG bag of paperwork. Spent a few...
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      StephanK replied to the thread GS 44 MC and MY.
      yes sir
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      StephanK posted the thread GS 44 MC and MY in Gulfstar.
      Very limited info available in my searches on the subject. Can anyone shed light on the difference(s) between the 44 MC and MY models...
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