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      Scrib replied to the thread Lehman Starter "Used on".
      Can’t answer your specific question re: ignition protected, but I certainly want such a starter on my boat that has LPG lines running...
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      Scrib replied to the thread Lehman Starter "Used on".
      Marine starters, alternators, etc. are no spark electric motors. In a car, tractor, etc. no spark is a non-issue as any type of fuel...
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      Scrib replied to the thread Lehman Starter "Used on".
      You all know a marine starter is different from a tractor starter right?
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      Teak swim platforms require no care. Just sayin’.
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      I suggest calling Butler Marine, NJ. They will build you a beautiful teak swim platform to your specs and can provide the appropriate...
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      Scrib replied to the thread Teak deck refurbishment question.
      You really can not use epoxy to fill that gouge. Epoxy does not like UV and will quickly deteriorate into a yellowed crackling mess...
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      Scrib replied to the thread Bronze hinge corroded.
      I think you’re talking about the pivot point in that bronze hand rail hinge. Nothing mysterious about that hinge, should be a roll pin...
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      The windows are stuck due to salt & other crud that has built up in the tracks. Short term you can get them open with some high...
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