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    • P
      Phish replied to the thread Steadying Sail?.
      Well of course I know about that system. But way too excited for what would be a smaller boat. What are all of the other “many systems”?
    • P
      Phish replied to the thread Steadying Sail?.
      What are all of the “other forms of stabilization “???
    • P
      Phish replied to the thread Steadying Sail?.
      Sure. But what happens when you are crossing from Miami to Bimini and large rolling waves are on your beam? Wouldn’t that be really...
    • P
      Phish posted the thread Steadying Sail? in General Discussion.
      Lifelong sailor here. We will be swallowing the sail here soon, buying a trawler, and doing the great loop. We don’t know much about...
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