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    • Papas
      My first concern would be that a 3/4" thru hull is likely way too narrow - so highly recommend checking the heater specs for minimum...
    • Papas
      Papas replied to the thread Stabilizers Grand Banks Classic.
      FYI - the CMC Stab 20 is what would be appropriate for the GB46 (per CMC / my investigation). A friend has them on his 55' navigator...
    • Papas
      Papas replied to the thread Stabilizers Grand Banks Classic.
      I have a 2001 GB46 CL and just got through investigating various stabilization options incl. Humphree and CMC Waveless, Naiad, and ABT...
    • Papas
      Papas replied to the thread Twin Disk transmission on 3208 TA.
      I have TD MG-5061-A transmissions. Engine controls are Mathers Micro Commanders; therefore the engines are essentially always going to...
    • Papas
      Papas reacted to tiltrider1's post in the thread Twin Disk transmission on 3208 TA with Haha Haha.
      Manual transmission are currently the best car theft deterrent in Seattle.
    • Papas
      Papas replied to the thread Mast crotch support.
      My setup has 2 supports - 1 for the mast when lowered (upper support), and a lower support for the boom. The lower support height above...
      • Mast-Boom Support.png
    • Papas
      Papas replied to the thread Mast crotch support.
      I'll try to remember to measure next time I'm on the boat, so you can get an idea on potential solutions (I'll incl. a photo or 2 too).
    • Papas
      Papas replied to the thread Trim tabs.
      On my 46 w/ twins, the tabs work just fine, but that doesn't mean they are effective. At WOT, trimming bow down may gain an additional...
    • Papas
      Papas replied to the thread Instrument lights.
      On mine, the nav and instruments lights are on the same breaker.
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