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    • NStenger
      NStenger replied to the thread Looking for a Mainship 350/390.
      Not in the Pacific Northwest but for anyone in the market in the Great Lakes / East Coast area, this was my boat neighbor last summer...
    • NStenger
      NStenger replied to the thread The Boat Market Today.
      I believe they can pull at least several years. When I sold my last boat my broker pulled up comps and we were also able to consider...
    • NStenger
      NStenger replied to the thread Life after our GB 32 woodie.
      No clue on transport cost, but often an option one has to weigh in the trawler world. In any case an opportunity for OP to look at that...
    • NStenger
      NStenger replied to the thread Life after our GB 32 woodie. This...
    • NStenger
      NStenger replied to the thread Ford Lehman 80 overheating.
      Simple things first. Do you have adequate water flow out of the exhaust at idle? What is the condition of the impeller?
    • NStenger
      NStenger replied to the thread 42 Ocean Alexander rudder type.
      Here is a shot of our 1985 OA 38 in the slings.
      • 20241007_120113.jpg
      • 20231004_102308.jpg
    • NStenger
      NStenger replied to the thread Marine grease zinc.
      Yes, aluminum anodes are the choice for brackish water. Zinc for full saltwater and Magnesium for full fresh. I use Magnesium anodes...
    • NStenger
      NStenger replied to the thread Marine Traffic Assistance.
      A subscription to marine traffic is not expensive. Suggest you do your own digging for your legal case.
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