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    • ljk
      ljk replied to the thread Boating with Stu and Pid..
      I am 76. Sold my last big boat about 2 years ago. Now my cruising is done on kayaks, other people's boats, and cruise ships. I love...
    • ljk
      ljk replied to the thread Selling a boat without a broker.
      When you say pricing, do you mean listing price or what the boats actually sold for?
    • ljk
      When I clicked the link, it said "no image available." Who would ever heard of selling a boat without at least ONE picture?
    • ljk
      ljk replied to the thread Florida west coast.
      I can help with marinas from Punta Gorda to Fort Myers Beach. Basically, all the usual stops, Laishley, FIsherman's VIllage, South...
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