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La Sirena

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    • La Sirena
      La Sirena replied to the thread We took the Plunge.
      Congratulations on the new boat and retirement! I went from a Nordic Tug 32 to a Selene 57 when I retired. My wife and I have cruised...
    • La Sirena
      La Sirena replied to the thread Racor lookalikes.
      I had a Nordic Tug 32 with dual Racor 500 filters. I changed them out to Tony's spin on Fleetguard filter package. Big improvement...
    • La Sirena
      I am a self proclaimed DIY professional. "DIY" is an abbreviation of the phrase; 'Do it yourself'. DIY refers to the ability to modify...
    • La Sirena
      La Sirena replied to the thread Boat Selection and Draft.
      I think having a fully protected prop and stabilizers for what you want to do is more important than draft. Fully protected prop for...
    • La Sirena
      La Sirena replied to the thread selene 53 twin cummins.
      I have a Selene 57 with a Cummins 450hp and it has plenty of room all around the engine, but it's a single (which I prefer). I would...
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