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    • K
      Kirk M replied to the thread Fuel tanks.
      I have 2 inspection ports in each tank. My tanks slope down towards the keel, so all the corrosion I experienced is easily accessible...
    • K
      Kirk M replied to the thread Fuel tanks.
      I’m not sure where you’re located, but I just had Petro Clean in WA clean and repair my tanks. 6 150-250 gallon tanks. 2 required an...
    • K
      Kirk M replied to the thread Visiting BC, need travel advise.
      If you’re staying in Victoria, Butchart Gardens is worth a visit. Going by boat is cool, but unnecessary. Visiting a garden isn’t high...
    • K
      When we bought our boat, the previous owner had a 50a 125v plug on the boat end of a 30a cord. His dock only offered 30a. When I...
    • K
      Kirk M replied to the thread Washer/Dryer install.
      We have a washer/dryer mounted wihere the bottom of it is 4-6” below the water line. The discharge is routed through a vented loop and...
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