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    • J
      JMcJ replied to the thread Stuffing box hose fitting.
      Thank you for the info Mike. I've settled on using stainless with tape or gel.
    • J
      JMcJ replied to the thread Stuffing box hose fitting.
      I think I might have been naive in thinking stainless would be less of an issue with bronze than brass. It looks like either will have...
    • J
      JMcJ replied to the thread Stuffing box hose fitting.
      Thanks for the suggestion it is a Buck Algonquin. 99% sure that’s it. Looking at the catalog I see they list a 3/8NPT x 1/2” hose barb...
    • J
      JMcJ replied to the thread Stuffing box hose fitting.
      Yes exactly as Fleming says. I was just trying to nail down the size so I could have the correct hose barb on hand when we hauled...
    • J
      JMcJ replied to the thread Stuffing box hose fitting.
      Yes I agree you would expect bronze, but a now retired service pro who commisioned and serviced GB's told me 20 years ago that many...
    • J
      The attached photo shows the stuffing box on our 1981 GB 36. I realize this is a long shot, but I hope someone might be able to identify...
      • IMG_0381.jpg
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