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      Granpap replied to the thread Mainship Pulpit.
      Thank you, Roustabout. I did find some rot when I replaced the windless and repaired as needed. I will check other pulpit areas in a few...
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      Granpap reacted to BruceK's post in the thread Mainship Pulpit with Like Like.
      I recall but can`t find a thread about a defective pulpit repair. Mainship? I can`t say. It was a boat in charter and there were...
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      Granpap reacted to Comodave's post in the thread Mainship Pulpit with Like Like.
      Is there any support under the pulpit? If not maybe add a stanchion from the bottom of the arch to the stem.
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      Granpap reacted to Mainship Pilot's post in the thread Mainship Pulpit with Like Like.
      Granpap, I have a 2004, with 120' of chain, I added over 100' after I saw it came with 15', LOL. I have noticed a couple of surface...
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      Granpap reacted to Comodave's post in the thread Mainship Pulpit with Like Like.
      Welcome aboard. Congrats on your new boat. I don’t have any experience with that boat but that doesn’t sound right to me.
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      Granpap replied to the thread Mainship Pulpit.
      Thank you all so much for the replies! I anchor pretty much the same way as Mainship Pilot.I also have a couple of surface cracks on the...
    • G
      Purchased a 2003 Mainship pilot 30 a little while ago. Just anchored in about 40’ and noticed when retrieving the anchor, there seemed...
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