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      Dcmeigs replied to the thread Holding tanks.
      Interesting. I’ll post a photo of my shower tank later. It’s ridiculously huge, I’d guess well over 15 gallons. As mentioned it’s in the...
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      Dcmeigs replied to the thread Holding tanks.
      Good to hear from you. Is your holding tank stainless steel? Where does your shower drain?
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      Dcmeigs replied to the thread Holding tanks.
      Athena currently has Electra Magic model 80 (Thetford) toilets. They have their own internal holding and “treatment”. One fills the...
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      Dcmeigs replied to the thread Holding tanks.
      Thanks Comodave. I have read about the Marine Elegance head. It comes well recommended. I’ve not investigated the Ronco tanks. I will...
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      Thanks for the reminder. I just posted there.
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      Dcmeigs posted the thread Holding tanks in Bluewater Trawlers.
      Hello folks. I’m the new owner of Athena in Portland. She’s my first trawler after five sailboats. She comes to me in pretty good...
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      Hello folks. I just bought a Bluewater 40 Pilot House Trawler “Athena” lying on the Columbia in Portland. I’m doing a bit of a refit to...
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