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Aug 29, 2020
United States
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
2003 Grand Banks Europa 52
Hi Trawler Forum Folks,

I am a perspective buyer of a trawler and hopefully a Grand Banks 52. Looking forward to learning from this group.

Michael Dresdner
Welcome Michael.

Do you have a particular boat in mind?
I am lookingat a Grand Banks 52 but open to suggestions. I hope to find something with relatively low hours.
Welcome aboard!
If you read this forum you’ll realize that your anchor choice is more important than your choice of boat. I suggest you pick your anchor first and let The Trawler Forum guide you to a matching boat. Unfortunately there is no anchor big enough for a 52 Grand Banks.:D
Welcome aboard!
If you read this forum you’ll realize that your anchor choice is more important than your choice of boat. I suggest you pick your anchor first and let The Trawler Forum guide you to a matching boat. Unfortunately there is no anchor big enough for a 52 Grand Banks.:D

Rubbish. A 75# CQR is fine for the job!

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