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Looking for 50-60 pilot house trawler in PNW

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Nov 22, 2016

We are looking for a pilot house trawler or semi displacement in the PNW. Probably something in the 50-55/60 ft range as we are looking for 3 staterooms. Prefer something stabilized but not essential. So far we have looked at Tollycraft, Nordhavn, Offshore, North Pacific, Ocean Alexander to name a few. Just trying to find something that’s ticks all our little boxes :lol:


That's a big range of brands, what's your budget range?
w8n4sun asks the right question. The next question would be, what are the items next to each of those little boxes? What's your boat and boating experience?
We would like to keep it under $500k.

Boxes include:
Pilot house
3 stateroom
Hopefully no older than 1990’s ish
Diesel (single or double)
Thrusters?...just now would be ok
Reasonably up to date electronics

Our experience includes a fair bit of sailing in our younger years including coastal navigation etc, owner of a 30’ Tollycraft moving up to a 44’ Tollycraft more recently. Lots of boating in the PNW. We would just like to increase our range a bit and have room to carry family.
Those aren't so stringent, so I'm curious as to why you haven't found plenty of boats that meet that.

Prices too high? (Is that 500k Canadian?)
I would not buy a boat of that size that wasn’t stabilized. Especially if you plan to travel at displacement speeds.

Nordhavn, North Pacific is one type of boat. Offshore, OA, and Tolly are a different style. If I was looking to cross Oceans I would pick from the first group. If I was only planning to do Alaska and down to Acopulco then I would pick from the second group.

Often I see people buy Ocean Crossing Boats and never leave sheltered waters. Not a good use of money but if the boat ticks your boxes then nothing else much matters.
One difficulty in today's market environment is that Canadian buyers can't come to the US and view boats since the boarder is closed to nonessential crossings. The OP lives in Vancouver, BC.
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Nordhavn, North Pacific is one type of boat. Offshore, OA, and Tolly are a different style. If I was looking to cross Oceans I would pick from the first group. If I was only planning to do Alaska and down to Acopulco then I would pick from the second group.

I don't understand North Pacific's placement in this list. They strike me as strictly coastal boats, if for nothing other than fuel capacity. By all indications wonderful boats, but not an ocean crosser.
I don't understand North Pacific's placement in this list. They strike me as strictly coastal boats, if for nothing other than fuel capacity. By all indications wonderful boats, but not an ocean crosser.

Brain fart. I was thinking Northern Marine but typed North Pacific.
Thank you all for your replies and messages. We have found a boat. Not necessarily a trawler but hopefully one that will give us many good years of cruising to Alaska and perhaps south to Mexico and beyond.

We have bought a stabilized Offshore pilot house. It has been challenging doing all this during Covid crazy times. We will not actually set foot on her until after she is delivered to us. All our look through’s, sea trial and survey have been done virtually. We will have a professional captain with dual citizenship bring her into Canada for us.

Happy boating!
Congratulations. One of our dock neighbors has an Offshore 54 and has travelled through the Panama Canal and back to Seattle, very capable boat!
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