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sold Lord Nelson Victory Tug - For Sale - "Nellie D."

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Jun 6, 2020
United States
Vessel Name
Nellie D.
Vessel Make
Lord Nelson Victory Tug
Hi everyone,

Our 37 ft. 1987 Lord Nelson Victory Tug "Nellie D" is for sale. Pristine condition. Located in Blades, Delaware.

Beautifully equipped: Cummins 4BT diesel, 5 Kw Onan generator, electric davits, 10 ft RIB, Twin 12" Garmin chartplotters, new aluminum fuel tanks, and more.

Asking: $179,900

Details, photos, contact info: 37VT63 Nellie D. - Lord Nelson Victory Tug (LNVT)

A beauty for sure.Does she have heat and a/c?
I might have missed them in the description...and you have taken great care of this boat.
Hi 3blade single,

Very much appreciate the kind words.

Nellie D. has two heating systems but no permanent A/C!

Some of the LNVT 37's have owner installed air conditioning (it wasn't a factory option) - usually two units - one placed under the L shaped settee in the saloon, and another placed under the v berth forward, or in the forward storage closet. The LNVT forum (https://lnvt.groups.io/g/tugs ) has more info.

Even though we live in MD and FL, we spend much of our cruising time in cooler weather, or at anchor, so permanent A/C hasn't been a priority for us so far.

We do have a lightweight portable A/C unit aboard for the saloon which fits snugly between the settee and the washer/dryer door. It vents outside via a a custom plexiglass window insert.

Heat on Nellie D. is either 5000 BTU diesel heater in the lazarette (New 9/19) The unit is very quiet at anchor and uses diesel from the main tanks. There is also hydronic heat in salon (used when underway) which works via forced-air through a hot-water-coil.

Hope that helps!

A beauty for sure.Does she have heat and a/c?
I might have missed them in the description...and you have taken great care of this boat.
The description and video of Nellie is arguably among the best I've seen. Just a terrific presentation. We've watched several times. Well done.
A seriously desirable boat, excellent presentation.(slightly depressing really)
The description and video of Nellie is arguably among the best I've seen. Just a terrific presentation. We've watched several times. Well done.
I thought the same thing as I ambled through. Description was well written and flowed well. Good example of how to sell a boat.

Good luck

The description and video of Nellie is arguably among the best I've seen. Just a terrific presentation. We've watched several times. Well done.

:thumb::thumb: Great presentation.

Those davit are HEAVY. I used to be able to dismount and mount them, alone. Not any more.
Welcome to Trawler Forum. Beautiful boat , well equipped, nice presentation. These are one of my favorite boats . The previous owner of our boat owns a Lord Nelson hull number 68, I think“ John William”. Good luck with the sale.
:thumb::thumb: Great presentation.

Those davit are HEAVY. I used to be able to dismount and mount them, alone. Not any more.

Agree. You can climb all over them and they don't budge. Simpson 175's. We had them installed at Philbrooks Boatyard in Sidney BC before departing for a cruise to Alaska. They really came in handy.

Here is a short video of my brother Dave launching and recovering the dink

Thanks for the welcome. 'John William" is another nice LNVT. We know the owner and will pass along your regards next time we see him.

Very nice boat. I love the high bow and shear line of Lord Nelsons. I'm sure you'll get lots of inquiries.
If the picture are as good as it is in reality, this is the cleanest 1987 boat I have ever seen. Love the gorgeous woodwork and design. All it needs is AC.
WOW, absolutely Bristol, 4.0 condition. I love that the teak decks are natural. The bronze hand pumps in the galley takes me back to the classic yachts of yesteryears.
The description and video of Nellie is arguably among the best I've seen. Just a terrific presentation. We've watched several times. Well done.

An excellent video Done on this 37’ Lord Nelson. Professional.

This boat is set up so well and designed for efficiency with the hull and a Cummins 4BT diesel to turn the prop. That is efficient.
I love the design and the interior. Thinking...
Boat sold, but I have a 1985 Lord Nelson 37 Victory Tug for sale in Massachusetts named " Monkey ". asking 139,000, link to pic's and details at www.scyacht.com/ Thanks for your interest.
brokers welcome

The pesky rascals can slip under a door or thru a crack in the wall.
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