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Jun 2, 2020
Hi, Nancy and Art Femenella, just joined. We are owners of an Island Packet 38 sailboat. I’m 71, my wife is 67, we have been sailing for 46 years. We are looking to move to a trawler. We like Kadey-Krogen Krogen, but a bit too expensive. We are looking at DeFever 44 to 49; Ocean Alexander 50; Grand Banks Classic 42. Glad to be aboard!
Looking for Suggested Boats

Hi, Nancy and Art Femenella, just joined. We are owners of an Island Packet 38 sailboat. I’m 71, my wife is 67, we have been sailing for 46 years. We are looking to move to a trawler. We like Kadey-Krogen, but a bit too expensive. We are looking at DeFever 44 to 49; Ocean Alexander 50; Grand Banks Classic 42.

We like a heavy displacement boat. We definitely want a walk around queen bed in the master cabin. Looking for smaller diesels, two is fine. Love to have stabilization. Are there any other boats I should look at?

I am looking at a DeFever 49 this coming week. I know boats in general, but any specific things I should look for on this boat. Love to hear some opinions. Thanks!
Welcome. I used to work in Piscataway and New Brunswick!
All nice boats, and should be both comfortable and capable.
Welcome aboard.
Welcome aboard.

I moved from an Island Packet 37 to a Mainship 34T trawler some years ago. You will find that trawlers have much more interior room per foot of length than sailboats.

Your list of trawler candidates is a good one. Good luck in your search.

There is a big difference between a Defever 44 and 49 or between a Grand Banks 42 and an OA 50. There is a huge number of other boat manufacturers out there as well. Just start looking at everything in your price range. Once you see something you like then come ask about it here. Nordic Tug, ChrisCraft, Tollycraft, Mainship, American Tug and the list goes on.
Hi, Nancy and Art Femenella, just joined. We are owners of an Island Packet 38 sailboat. I’m 71, my wife is 67, we have been sailing for 46 years. We are looking to move to a trawler. We like Kadey-Krogen, but a bit too expensive. We are looking at DeFever 44 to 49; Ocean Alexander 50; Grand Banks Classic 42.

We like a heavy displacement boat. We definitely want a walk around queen bed in the master cabin. Looking for smaller diesels, two is fine. Love to have stabilization. Are there any other boats I should look at?

I am looking at a DeFever 49 this coming week. I know boats in general, but any specific things I should look for on this boat. Love to hear some opinions. Thanks!

If you are interested with KK kind of trawlers, look at Selene yachts. More afordable than KK or Nordhavn but very good value for money
Welcome aboard. Are you on the east or west coast? There's a Keyport in WA and one in NJ. What is your budget?
Hi, Nancy and Art Femenella, just joined. We are owners of an Island Packet 38 sailboat. I’m 71, my wife is 67, we have been sailing for 46 years. We are looking to move to a trawler. We like Kadey-Krogen, but a bit too expensive. We are looking at DeFever 44 to 49; Ocean Alexander 50; Grand Banks Classic 42.

We like a heavy displacement boat. We definitely want a walk around queen bed in the master cabin. Looking for smaller diesels, two is fine. Love to have stabilization. Are there any other boats I should look at?

I am looking at a DeFever 49 this coming week. I know boats in general, but any specific things I should look for on this boat. Love to hear some opinions. Thanks!

Glad to have you here, youngster.:) GB 42 classic will not get you the walk-around queen.
Art and Nancy,
Welcome to the Forum.
I know you are very experienced boaters and therefore may dismiss the following advice, but I think it may prove helpful. By the way, Island Packet, nice boat.
Anyway, first sit down together and think through how you plan to use the boat. For example, longer trips (weeks or months) or shorter (days or week(s))? Guests often or once in a long while (eg. grandkids, etc). Work through the ideas.
Then separately right down lists of must haves to achieve those goals, nice to haves, and DO NOT WANT. For example, for me, I did not want screwed down teak decks (either leaking already or will leak and costly to fix), exterior woodwork (too much maintenance), twin engines, etc.
Then compare lists, discuss, and compromise (eg. she wins in a tie).:)
Then go boat shopping armed with your lists, and realize that you will probably not find the "perfect boat" with everything on your lists (some compromises are needed). After looking at many makes and models, it will become clearer what will best meet YOUR needs (and wants). :)
Good luck in your search.
Welcome aboard Art.
Lots of good info on this forum to help in your search. We also transitioned from sail to a trawler years ago.
Welcome Art and Nancy.

Lots to look at in your switch. Good info here to help you along.

Just remember to have fun when looking for a new boat.
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