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Looking for a 55-60 Foot Trawler

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Come to Punta Gorda and check out Adrift at Last. Impeccable!
"Adrift at Last"? Worrying boat name. How are the engines and the anchoring apparatus? :hide:
"Adrift at Last"? Worrying boat name. How are the engines and the anchoring apparatus? :hide:
Goes right along with one I've seen. "Dock Knocker", complete with the worst dock rash I've ever seen all down both sides. Hopefully a good sense of humor about a cheap buy from a not so good previous owner...
Hi All! Looking for a diesel 55 to 60 foot trawler/LRC as a liveaboard with a pilot house, flybridge and nice aft sitting area. Please keep me in mind if you stumble across something for sale that fits the description. Thanks!

G'day Boatgal,
Swan Song, our solid fiberglass custom North Sea Roughwater 58 is currently not listed with a broker and priced well under your budget. SS has been our home for 17 years as we traveled the Caribbean, South America, both sides of Central America, up the West coast and over to Hawaii.
Recently made the 8000nm run from Honolulu-Long Beach, Ca-Panama Canal-Jamaica-Mexico-Ft Myers, FL.
SS is a stabilized economical long passagemaker and a comfortable home on the water. Single Detroit Diesel 6-71 and gets 3nm/gal at 7.5 knots. 3400 nm from Long Beach thru the canal to Colon, Panama and still had 300 gals left!!

I can PM you any info you wish.
Just passed by Palmetto on my way home this afternoon from Tampa...by car not boat ;-) Less than a 2 hour drive.
Wifey B: To live aboard in Boston which lasted only one winter. Now, I'm sure no one saw that coming. :rofl:

Occasionally someone uses the term "A special place in hell". That would be living aboard in Boston for a winter. Hell is supposedly hot. Nope.
All systems are working well, even the anchors. LOL
Check out the "Hobbit" for sale....57' listed with Arbutus Pacific boat sales in Ladysmith B.C.
Hi All! Looking for a diesel 55 to 60 foot trawler/LRC as a liveaboard with a pilot house, flybridge and nice aft sitting area. Please keep me in mind if you stumble across something for sale that fits the description. Thanks!

SELENE 53’ 2004

If you use FaceTime we can do a thorough walk through but in the meantime here are a few particulars.

1) Cummins 450 HP main with 2,300 hours.
2) Yanmar 70 HP wing engine
3) Northern Lights 10 KW gender
4) Mid ship master, VIP and 2 berth crews quarters
5) Hardtop covering flybridge
6) New exterior cushions
7) Tender with 40 HP 4 stroke Honda
8) Bulbous bow with thruster built in
9) Ideal Windlass with new friction pads
10) Stern thruster
11) PC with Time Zero navigation software
12) Large Grunert freezer in lazarette

Basically everything is top notch.

John 908.405.7349
SELENE 53’ 2004

If you use FaceTime we can do a thorough walk through but in the meantime here are a few particulars.

1) Cummins 450 HP main with 2,300 hours.
2) Yanmar 70 HP wing engine
3) Northern Lights 10 KW gender
4) Mid ship master, VIP and 2 berth crews quarters
5) Hardtop covering flybridge
6) New exterior cushions
7) Tender with 40 HP 4 stroke Honda
8) Bulbous bow with thruster built in
9) Ideal Windlass with new friction pads
10) Stern thruster
11) PC with Time Zero navigation software
12) Large Grunert freezer in lazarette

Basically everything is top notch.

John 908.405.7349

I think you might have missed post #15 about Gal’s $350k budget..... But if your boat is for sale for $350k or less please let me know! ;-)
50' CPMY for sale by owner in Palm Beach,Florida

Hi All! Looking for a diesel 55 to 60 foot trawler/LRC as a liveaboard with a pilot house, flybridge and nice aft sitting area. Please keep me in mind if you stumble across something for sale that fits the description. Thanks!

I have a 50' Bestway Cockpit Motor Yacht in Palm Beach, Florida. Built in 1989 in same ship yard as Defever, all fiberglass, Twin Cat 3116 with low hours. Wide 12' beam, very roomy, high salon open to lower galley and settee, 2 staterooms with head and showers. Covered teak aft deck with sink and ice maker. Lower teak cockpit with sink and engine controls. Transom access door and wide swim platform. Upper bridge has helm station and wrap around seating for 6 adults. Will sell for 60K.

I can send photos if interested.

Kevin 561-812-8287
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